What are Firm limits?

IDevice Icon Firm Limits Defined

1. Focus on the behavior – Explain what you need them to do or stop doing. Avoid commenting on the attitude, feelings or worth of the child.

2. Be direct and specific – Explain clearly what you want them to do, how to do it and when to start.

3. Use a normal tone of voice – Yelling sends the wrong message, shows you have lost control. Your actions will convey your determination more than your words.

4.Specify consequences if necessary – If you believe student will test limits, specify the consequences for noncompliance.

5. Support your words with actions – Follow through!

IDevice Icon Firm Limits statements

“Stop pushing now.”

“If you paint your desk, I’ll take the paints away.”

“You can play by the rules or find another game to play.”

“If you cut, you’ll go to the back of the line.”

“You may not leave until you have put away your books.”

Continue to the questions to test yourself on

the difference between Soft and Firm limits.

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