
Conflict Resolution Education (CRE) programs include a variety of efforts which share various emphases and which have common expected outcomes:
- An understanding of conflict
- Social, emotional and cognitive processes related to constructive conflict management
- Principles of conflict resolution
- Process steps in problem solving
- Skills required to use each of the problem solving steps effectively

The goals of the research in Conflict Resolution Education are aligned with conflict resolution research itself. Having clear goals and expected outcomes is essential for any project. Having the research that supports the goals and outcomes is equally important.
The goals focus the resources and efforts of program's staff. The program goals generally include:
- Enhancing students' social and emotional development
- Creating safe learning environments
- Creating constructive learning environments
- Creating communities that cooperatively and collaboratively reduce conflict
Copyright 2004, Tricia S. Jones, Distribution without alteration is permitted. Alteration for personal use is not permitted.
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