Program Models (continued)

3. Peaceable Classroom Model (Conflict Management as a Classroom Management Technique)
Conflict management can also be part of a teachers’ classroom management style. The effective resolution of many classroom conflicts does not require the active involvement of teachers. In these situations, students can solve their own disputes provided that they have been taught basic problem-solving skills. Teachers can use age appropriate problem-solving models to teach all students in their classrooms how to use these skills on their own to resolve simple disputes. If students experience a non-threatening classroom environment where cooperation is encouraged, trust is promoted and group interaction is frequent, they will have more opportunities to practice and reasons to choose non-violent conflict resolution strategies over aggression and violence.
Examples of Approaches:
One approach for using conflict resolution in the classroom is the “Conflict Resolution Corner” model. This model suggests that as conflicts arise, teachers can refer disputing students to a designated location within the classroom that contains information that reminds the students of the ground rules and steps for effective problem solving. Age appropriate negotiation models can be used.
Another approach is to establish a classroom mediation program. This approach requires the teacher to teach all students conflict management skills, to choose a specific conflict management process, and set up a system for using these skills to resolve classroom conflicts. If peer mediation does not resolve the conflict, the teachers determine to appropriate next steps for resolution of the issue.
4. Peaceable School Programs Model (also known as Comprehensive Conflict Management Programs in Schools)
The most effective school conflict management program is comprehensive, which means the entire school community is knowledgeable about and regularly use “win/win” approaches when attempting to address conflicts. A comprehensive program offers members of the whole school community the opportunity to learn, practice, and model effective conflict management skills.
Ideally it becomes a central component of the daily operations of the school. It includes everything from how parents and guests are greeted when they enter the school building to how discipline is addressed. It addresses how educators manage their classrooms, the use of positive conflict management strategies being modeled by all adults in the school building, both with youth and other school community staff, and strategies for teaching conflict management skills to youth.
The components of a peaceable school approach include:
▪ Some form of problem-solving approach for use by students such as mediation
▪ The Curriculum Infusion Approach
▪ The Peaceable Classroom Approach described above
▪ Integration of conflict management into the school policies, procedures, and mission statements
▪ Integration of the skills of conflict management into training, workshops, and events for all individuals in the school community including: parents, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, administrative staff, playground aids, classroom educators, administrators, etc.; and
▪ Integration of conflict management into after school programs and extra-curricular activities.
The peaceable school approach also includes the use of mediation, curricular infusion, the peaceable classroom, as well as the entire school community being trained in and utilizing the concepts and skills of conflict management in the daily operations of the school. The peaceable school approach is complementary to other types of safe and supportive learning environment programs such as restorative justice and bullying prevention.
(These four models of school conflict management are described in detail on Day 2 and 3 of five-day workshop on school-based conflict resolution named “Managing and Resolving Conflicts Effectively in Schools and Classrooms” five-day workshop on school-based conflict resolution. An overview of various mediation models and the curricular infusion approach is provided in Day 2 and the peaceable classroom and peaceable school approach is described in Day 3. Each approach is described in detail, along with examples of how an educators might implement it in their school, sample best practices, and a sample action plan with next steps are provided).
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