Managing Anger
Anger Management Recipe

Count to ten, if that doesn't work, count to 100. Thomas Jefferson
Buying time allows us to gain control of and moderate our thoughts, which often reduces anger. This is because angry feelings are not actually caused by situations and events, but rather by the thoughts we have about those situations and events. Counting is one way to replace the thoughts about the situation or event with counting thoughts.

- Is this situation in any way similar to an experience from my past?
- How important is my relationship with this person?...What's my level of commitment?
- What other things are going on in my life?
- What's at risk in this situation?

Often students feel more comfortable when they are able to discuss issues amongst their peers. The Anger Management Recipe will allow your students to work together as a team various methods in which they can successfully manage their anger. This activity is probably best for middle school age youth.
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