Teaching Anger Management Skills

management is an ability that students can be taught. The following list is
merely a brief catalog of common sense behaviors and strategies that teachers
and other adults can use to develop anger management skills in children.
should, of course, always remember that emotions are triggers that incite
anger, and the keys to individual responses to anger and its control are unique
to each particular child.
Create a safe emotional climate —
Teachers should create a classroom with clear, consistent, and flexible
boundaries, one in which every student is treated fairly and is subject to
consistent enforcement of a set of rules known and respected by everyone.
Model responsible anger management —
Children emulate behaviors, so to be the best teacher of anger management
techniques, teachers must model their own anger effectively.
Help children develop self-regulatory skills — Self-control and
Encourage children to label their feelings — Usually a feeling precedes an angry response. It may be frustration,
embarrassment, shame, or any number of triggers. If children learn to identify
and label their feelings that precede reactions, their ability to exercise self-control
will grow.
Use books and stories about anger to help young children understand
and manage anger — There are many books for young children that
can help validate their feeling and educate them as to what is taking place
inside them.
Communicate with parents — Educators
should share with parents what is being done to teach children to manage anger.
Such efforts are much more likely to be successful if parents model the
appropriate skills and reward responsible behavior in their children.
Phrases that can cause problems
helping students to manage their anger, there are certain verbal
- “You should…”
- “You’re
- “I demand…,”
- “We can’t…,”
- “We won’t…,”
- “We never…,”
- “You don’t
- “That’s
- “You must be
- “I’m too busy
for this…,” or
- “You have
For more ideas on how educators can effectively communicate respect and avoid signaling disrespect to students and colleagues, please check out our learning module Interpersonal Skills - Respect vs Disrespect.
Tipsigigaa photo by flickr user AlaskaTeacher

Oftentimes adults are faced with situations in which we would have to intervene with angry youth in our daily interactions. In a few words reflect on strategies that you have found to be successful in your approach to dealing with angry youth.
Consider for a moment what you found to be essential when dealing with the situation?
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