Communication Skills Assessment

Read the following case study about a very quick, unscheduled student teacher conference and recognize commenting and questioning skills...
The class terminated and Brian had a period of time to confer with Miss
Bennett. He was anxious to know what she thought of his procedure, especially
since he planned to utilize the same technique in subsequent lessons if it was
considered effective.
They sat down at the desk and began talking. Brian was cautiously optimistic
as he began, "I thought they showed more interest than usual and they
seemed to handle the discussion questions with more insight than I had expected."
Miss Bennett agreed, "I felt that they were able to comprehend the reasons
behind the questions and they had read enough to have some supportive facts
available. What did you think of your introduction?"
Brian thought, and slowly responded, "I guess it was not too good."
Miss Bennett responded, "But it was not all bad. Why did you think it wasn't
Brian quickly replied, "They didn't pay close attention and it could have
been difficult for them to see how it related to the later questions."
She inquired, "How could it have been made better?"
Brian considered the question and then speculated that an actual tape
recording of the event or some dramatic statement might have commanded
more thinking.
Miss Bennett accepted his evaluation and further stated, "You might use the
board to list important ideas, too. One other point, did you notice that you directed
most of the questions to about five students -- Jo, Jan, Donna, Rex, and
"Did I" exclaimed a surprised Brian. "Now that I think of It, I believe that is
right. I will have to go beyond those who are wanting to talk all the time."
Miss Bennett smiled and then gave an endorsement to Brian's technique
which he had tried for the first time. The conference drifted into conversation,
and they left feeling that the session had been productive.
List some communication skills and questioning techniques you noticed in the reading, then click on the feedback button for suggestions.
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