The lessons in this guide build upon the life of Juliette Hampton Morgan, a white woman who lived in Montgomery, Alabama, during segregation. At a time when our nation’s laws sanctioned, and in many ways mandated, white supremacy, Morgan challenged racism among her white peers. She was an ally — someone who supports and stands up for the rights and dignity of others — and her story provides a powerful roadmap for today’s students. This guide contains three lesson plans appropriate for grades 9-12 that meet academic content standards for U.S. history, language arts and visual arts. These lessons can be easily incorporated into typical classroom content units. A special lesson for teachers, also included in the guide, is designed as a professional development activity and supports core propositions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
Celebrating African American/Black leaders in history: Their religions and their legacy
16-page PDF lesson plan in which students, (grades 6-12) are “introduced to several Black and African American leaders and learn about the influence of their religious beliefs on their activism and contributions to society. Students will learn biographical, historical and religious information associated with these leaders, peer-teach their findings, and gain a greater understanding of the overall historical context of their work through creating a class timeline.”