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Resources for Teachers

This section of the site is focused on providing practical information and resources that teachers, teachers-in-training and teachers-of-teachers will find useful. Use the sidebar menu to explore specific areas of CRE practice.

Teacher with Class

Classroom Activity Suggestions

Here's a few activities for classroom use that can help infuse conflict resolution ideas into the learning environment. These originally appeared in a Teacher's Conflict Resolution wall calendar that featured activities for each month of the year.

More examples can be found in the activity collection archive.

Videos of Possible Interest


Related Conference Presentations (viewable online)

Experiential and Service-Learning Models for Undergraduate Conflict Resolution Education

  • Presented by: Ned Lazarus, Molly Tepper, Linda Keuntje, George Mason University
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

School Conflict Management Training

  • Presented by: Jennifer Batton, Director, Global Issues Resource Center, Cuyahoga Community College
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Fairfax County Public Schools Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation Training 2010

  • Presented by: Joan Packer, Swaim Pessaud, Kristen John
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Field Services Arbitration Process: Building Stronger Teachers through Facilitated Dialogue

  • Presented by: Anne Price and Marcia Roach, Cleveland State University
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

District-wide Conflict Resolution, Peer Mediation and Bullying Prevention Model- 30 years of Impact

  • Presented by: Kathy Bickmore, University of Toronto
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Conflict Resolution Skills for Youth and Adults – Incorporating Traditional Teaching and RJ

  • Presented by: Ellen Kyes, The University of Notre Dame
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

View More Presentations Here

Sample Catalog Resources

Below you'll find a randomized listing of up to 20 related items (we may have more...) drawn from our Resource Catalog.

Resource Title Description Links
Creating schoolwide prevention and intervention strategies: Effective strategies... 55-page PDF document which is "intended to put the issue of schoolwide violence prevention in context for educators and outline an approach for choosing and creating effective prevention programs. The guide covers the following topics: 1. Why schoolwide prevention strategies are critical, 2. Characteristics of a safe school, 3. Four sources of vulnerability to school violence, 4. How to plan for strategies that meet school safety needs, 5. Five effective response strategies and 6. Useful Web and print resources."
Bias awareness workshop 12-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which looked at "celebrating one’s culture, examine[d] personal, cultural and institutional forms of bias and develop[ed] strategies to effectively respond to bias." Includes a Creative Responses to Bullying Bibliography.
Two faces of education in ethnic conflict, The: Towards a peacebuilding education for children 54-page PDF study which, "should be considered as a first attempt to explore a set of highly complex and controversial issues. Its potential contribution is twofold: a focused and critical examination of the peacebuilding and peace-destroying role of education; and the placement of children on the mainstream peacebuilding and reconstruction agenda in a way that goes beyond their necessary but narrow inclusion as child soldiers ... The project began with the observation that formal education is often viewed as a neutral or technical process of information dissemination set within a given societal context. It found that this starting point inhibited consideration of the role of education in the creation of a “constructed” – rather than “given” – societal context. The broadening of the analytical focus reveals that implicitly and explicitly, intentionally and unintentionally, education inevitably has a societal impact – for good or for ill."
Best practices in bullying prevention and intervention Pdf document outlining best practices for bullying prevention and intervention.
Peer mediation, conflict resolution, violence prevention and safe schools, 1986-2001 25-page PDF bibliography of resources on the topics of peer mediation, conflict resolution, violence prevention, and safe schools.
Conflict resolution, peer mediation and young people's relationships: Technical Report 74-page PDF technical report that investigated, "what schools could do to improve young people's relationships with each other, with teachers and with their families. This is a key question for schools, policy-makers and pressure groups; there are currently programmes and initiatives on behaviour, citizenship, healthy schools and many other areas which have relationships at their core. Within that broad area, the team looked in more detail at school programmes that encourage conflict resolution and peer mediation." Ten studies relating to conflict resolution, all completed after 1994, were reviewed in detail.
Elicitive Curricular Development: A Manual for Scholar-Practitioners Developing Courses in International Peace and Conflict Studies This book is co-authored by Peace Studies Innsbruck core faculty Josefina Echavarría Alvarez, Adham Hamed and Noah B. Taylor and it outlines central principles of the University of Innsbruck's approach to curricular development for Peace and Conflict Studies around the world. It has been authored in the framework of the project Education for Peace in the Iraqi Higher Education System, implemented by the University of Innsbruck in partnership with the Iraqi Al-Amal Association the United Nations Development Program in Iraq and nine Iraqi Universities. The ECDM is a systematic collection of experiences and lessons identified in academic contexts around the world in Austria, Cambodia, Colombia, Brazil, Ethiopia and Iraq. The ECDM reflects core elicitive principles such as the importance of a focus on relationships, looking beyond the episode of conflict, collaboration, communication and local knowledge. These principles are consistent with the mission of the Research Center for Peace and Conflict (InnPeace) to teach, learn and research as reflective processes of relevant social questions of peace and conflict transformation. This manual offers helpful guidelines for academic and administrative staff, as well as international cooperation partners trusted with developing peace and conflict courses at the graduate and postgraduate levels.
Virginia Tech shooting: Lessons for dismantling norms about violence 10-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education, which "offers a Preliminary inquiry into pedagogical actions for addressing the intersections among gender, race, ethnicity, social class, mental illness, and violence, the limitations of the thinking that pervaded the recent public discourse on the Virginia Tech Shooting will be revealed and a responsive pedagogical action proposed."
Tolerance in multiethnic Georgia: Training methodology manual for educators 156-page pdf training manual, "on the management of interethnic relations intended for teachers and youth leaders (educators). It also includes the description of the ethnic groups residing in Georgia and covers the themes like the nature of ethnic stereotypes and attitudes, peculiarities of intercultural dialogue, the essence of ethnic identity and conflicts. The suggested training system is based on the findings of the empirical research carried out with the teachers in the public schools of Georgia, youth leaders in patriot camps and future teachers. The system underwent an additional testing with 195 training participants. The given book can be useful to psychologists, students, ethnologists and those who are involved in the fields of education and interethnic relations."
Preparing pre-service educators to break up fights -- before they happen Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 4, Number 1, (Oct. 2003), which discusses a project by the North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention -- Center for the Prevention of School Violence (DJJDP Center), to prepare future teachers to effectively manage conflict.
Exploring the nature and prevention of bullying: bullying quiz One page true/false quiz on bullying.
SCORE peer mediation guide for students: Student conflict resolution experts 34-page pdf manual which "guides students through the principles and techniques for successful mediation. The content of the student manual reflects that of the coordinators’ manual." With lessons in introduction to mediation, building trust, listening and troubleshooting.
Evaluation of respectful conflict resolution and peer mediation program 35-page pdf report of project whose "primary purpose is to provide data for schools and their surrounding communities to become more peaceful by empowering teachers, students, parents, and community leaders to constructively address conflict and violence in their families, schools, and communities through integrated, sustainable, and comprehensive respectful conflict resolution skills programs ... a total of seven schools were visited for this study, seven administrators, six parents, and twenty-nine students participated, interviews were conducted with school administrators and focus groups were conducted with parents and students."
Curriculum in mediation, A: Lesson plans gateway 5-page pdf document which presents a teacher's guide for training peer mediators, provides links to workbook lesson plans for conflict management, communication skills, role playing exercises and agreement writing.
Briefing paper for trainee teachers of citizenship education: Resolving conflict between countries 6-page pdf briefing paper which "aims to introduce pupils to the values of open-mindedness and respect for others’ views, teachers should concentrate their approach on analysing with students how such destructive and confrontational situations arise, and how they can be avoided ... a commitment by states to this process is articulated in Article 2(3) of the United Nations (UN) Charter, in which they agree to settle their disputes by peaceful means, these means are outlined explicitly in Article 33(1), which proclaims that states “shall seek early settlement of their international disputes by negotiation, inquiry, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional agencies or other peaceful means of their choice.”
Conflict resolution education and peace education: Proven impacts 25-slide Powerpoint presentation which presents a "review of research examining the impact of conflict resolution education and peace education in schools."
Conflict coaching Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 2, (Feb 2002), which introduces the idea of "Conflict coaching is a relatively innovative and distinctive form of coaching, it involves working one-on-one with those involved in interpersonal conflicts." Includes bibliography.
Evolution of the Role of Ombudsperson on University and College Campuses, The Pdf article reprinted from the February/March 1995 Issue (Vol 55) of The Fourth R, The Newsletter of the National Association for Mediation in Education which discusses the history and role of ombuds people in colleges and universities.
Educational discipline using the principles of restorative justice 15-page pdf article which "shows how restorative justice techniques can be used with students in correctional and alternative education settings. The simple principles of restorative justice are outlined and their suitability for offenders is illustrated through actual prison incidents that have been dealt with using these principles. A protocol is suggested for teachers and administrators who might consider adopting this approach."
Strengthening undergraduate mediator competency via the Ntl Intercollegiate Mediation Tournament Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 3, (May 2003), which discusses the role of the National Intercollegiate Mediation Tournament in the development of mediation skills in students.