Resources for Teachers
This section of the site is focused on providing practical information and resources that teachers, teachers-in-training and teachers-of-teachers will find useful. Use the sidebar menu to explore specific areas of CRE practice.
Classroom Activity Suggestions
Here's a few activities for classroom use that can help infuse conflict resolution ideas into the learning environment. These originally appeared in a Teacher's Conflict Resolution wall calendar that featured activities for each month of the year.- 10 Things You Can Control in a Conflict
- Postcards to the Future
- Active Listening and Body Language
- Build Community With Class Meetings
- Create a Peace Tree
- Human Volcano
- Classroom Rules Revisited
- Celebrate Earthday with the World Pledge
More examples can be found in the activity collection archive.
Videos of Possible Interest
- A More Accurate RULER – Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
- PAX Good Behaviour Game
- 4Rs (Reading, Writing, Respect & Resolution) in a 2nd Grade Brooklyn Classroom
- Cyberbullying Toolkit for Educators
- In a Responsive Classroom
- Social and Emotional Learning After School
- Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world
- Conflict of Friends
- How to Teach Math as a Social Activity
- Emotional Intelligence: An Overview
Related Conference Presentations (viewable online)
Experiential and Service-Learning Models for Undergraduate Conflict Resolution Education
- Presented by: Ned Lazarus, Molly Tepper, Linda Keuntje, George Mason University
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Connecting Schools, Communities, and Families through SEL
- Presented by: Linda Lantieri, Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Conflict Resolution Skills for Youth and Adults – Incorporating Traditional Teaching and RJ
- Presented by: Ellen Kyes, The University of Notre Dame
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Developing Courses in Peace and Conflict Studies
- Presented by: Vincent D’Agostino and Patricia Golesic, Sault College
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
District-wide Conflict Resolution, Peer Mediation and Bullying Prevention Model- 30 years of Impact
- Presented by: Kathy Bickmore, University of Toronto
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Resources for Teaching about Peace and Conflict Resolution in Educational Settings
- Presented by: Bill Warters
- View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here
Sample Catalog Resources
Below you'll find a randomized listing of up to 20 related items (we may have more...) drawn from our Resource Catalog.
Resource Title | Description | Links |
Using WebQuests to promote integrative thinking in conflict studies | Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4 , (Nov/Dec 2000), introducing WebQuests which, "are online curriculum modules which engage students in learning about an authentic topic or problem, generally, WebQuests are cooperative activities where students assume different roles relative to an authentic problem." | |
Podcast audio resources for conflict studies | Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 6, Number 1, (Nov 2005), which introduces the concept of podcasting and its use in conflict resolution education, it also provides basic start up information and sites of interest. | |
Youth & conflict: Global challenges, local strategies, 2008 | 21-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education which "introduce[d] some of the themes and research associated with current thinking in values education | |
Best practices in bullying prevention and intervention | Pdf document outlining best practices for bullying prevention and intervention. | |
Impact of violence on learning for youth: What can we do? | 35-page PDF report that focuses "on the words of the interviewees, particularly the youth—both in school and out of school—and what they tell educators and others working in educational programs about what we can do to support learning." In writing the report the author wanted to understand "how violence affects learning, and to examine how school responses played a part in creating this picture. Most importantly I wanted to look for ways to strengthen the possibilities of supporting learning for youth in high schools and in youth literacy and training programs." | |
Teaching global and local conflict in the classroom | 24-page pdf document that accompanied a professional development program hosted by the World Affairs Council. Document consists of a list (with web addresses) of resources that relate to confict and conflict resolution. Recommend sites and sites that include lesson plans are noted. | |
Social and emotional learning (SEL) and student benefits | 12-page pdf document brief which "shares the latest research on the effects of social and emotional learning SEL) on students and includes strategies for implementing SEL, it explains how SEL works, elaborates on how SEL can be an integrative prevention framework that addresses the Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) core elements, and spells out implications of the research for SS/HS grantees." | |
Best practices of non-violent conflict resolution in and out-of-school some examples | 78-page pdf document which "aims to inform teachers, trainers, educators, parents, youth and students who, one way or another, are confronted with violence in the school or in non-formal community education, and are looking for practical solutions. The intention of UNESCO in this project is not only to inform them what is best internationally in terms of education for peace and non-violence, but above all to supply concrete pedagogical tools to prevent and transform the violence with which they are confronted on a daily basis at work." | |
Conflict management skills leadership competencies: A higher ed success model | 26-slide Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which "highlights a successful professional development program for staff at University of Wisconsin-Madison, this program infuses conflict management skills into the workplace culture, from new and aspiring supervisors to experienced program and project managers, teaching conflict resolution, facilitation, and mediation skills and integrating them into a broader leadership development curriculum, the program serves to build bridges and support for student leadership efforts, enhancing opportunities for peer mediation as well." | |
Harnessing the power of the World Wide Web for conflict studies courses | Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 3, (August/September 2000), which "presents a range of ways that relevant information from the web can be located quickly and used to good advantage by faculty teaching conflict studies courses or workshops." | |
Slouching towards inclusion | Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 3, (May 2002), which discusses the need for diversity in the field of conflict resolution and examples of challenges and solutions when creating diversity within the conflict resolution team is a primary factor. | |
Quaker Peacemakers Poster Collection | This set of 10 letter-size posters describes the work of 9 Quakers (members of the Religious Society of Friends) active in various domains of peacemaking. Featured peacemakers include Lewis Fry Richardson, Adam Curle, Bayard Rustin, Elise Boulding, Kenneth Boulding, Priscilla Prutzman, Jennifer Beer, Bill Kreidler and George Lakey. Also featured is the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), a Quaker-founded program working in prisons and community settings. Each poster includes a quote, a stylized picture and biographical background information on the featured person or project. | |
Peer mediation programs: An end to school violence? | On-line journal article which "focuses on the ineffectiveness of PMPs [Peer Mediation Programs] to combat higher-levels of school violence, part I discusses school violence, both past and present, part II explores the shift from traditional methods of discipline to more proactive and education-based methods that are used in many schools today, part III addresses the fundamentals of peer mediation including what it is and how it is implemented, part IV examines which students PMPs should be targeting and why PMPs fail to prevent them from committing violent acts on their schools, finally, the conclusion recommends ways to reduce conflict in schools." | |
Briefing paper for trainee teachers of citizenship education: The United Nations | 6-page pdf briefing paper which discusses the United Nations, including what it does, myths about the UN and resources for using the UN in teaching students about conflict resolution and citizenship. | |
Curriculum in mediation, A: Lesson plans gateway | 5-page pdf document which presents a teacher's guide for training peer mediators, provides links to workbook lesson plans for conflict management, communication skills, role playing exercises and agreement writing. | |
Mixitup: 2008-2009 planner | 50-page pdf document, "designed for teachers, counselors, students, administrators and others looking for activities and ideas to organize Mix It Up at Lunch Day, reduce social boundaries at school and promote an inclusive learning environment for all students. It includes lesson plans for early, middle and upper grades based on content standards and can easily be adapted for use in school clubs. For additional activity ideas, online polls and essay prompts, visit" | |
Summary - The Positive impact of social & emotional learning kindergarten to eighth grade students | 12-page PDF report which, "summarizes results from three large-scale reviews of research on the impact of social and emotional learning (SEL) programs on elementary and middle-school students — that is, programs that seek to promote various aocial and emotional skills. Collectively the three reviews included 317 studies and involved 324,303 children. SEL programs yielded multiple benefits in each review and were effective in both school and after-school settings and for students with and without behavioral and emotional problems. They were also effective across the K-8 grade range and for racially and ethnically diverse students from urban, rural, and suburban settings. SEL programs improved students’ social-emotional skills, attitudes about self and others, connection to school, positive social behavior, and academic performance; they also reduced students’ conduct problems and emotional distress. Comparing results from these reviews to findings obtained in reviews of interventions by other research teams suggests that SEL programs are among the most successful youth-development programs offered to school-age youth. Furthermore, school staff (e.g., teachers, student support staff) carried out SEL programs effectively, indicating that they can be incorporated into routine educational practice. In addition, SEL programming improved students’ academic performance by 11 to 17 percentile points across the three reviews, indicating that they offer students a practical educational benefit. Given these positive findings, we recommend that federal, state, and local policies and practices encourage the broad implementation of well-designed, evidence-based SEL programs during and after school." | |
Restorative justice programs in schools | Web-site created by the Marist Youth Care organization with information about restorative justice programs. "Marist Youth Care is a not for profit agency dealing with at risk young people. We draw our energy and motivation from the call of the gospel to assist socially disadvantaged people to take their rightful place in the community," from the Marist Youth Care website. | |
Community-based bullying prevention: tips for community members | Pdf document, geared toward community members, discussing bullying prevention. | |
Research-based articles and books on bullying/peer victimization | Pdf document listing articles and books on bullying and peer victimization. |