Policymakers and Administrators

Welcome to the Conflict Resolution Education Connection’s resources for policymakers and administrators. Our goal is to provide information that will support administrators interested in promoting or extending conflict resolution work within education. The sidebar menu to your right provides a listing of the content areas we focus on at this site.

A very young administrator working at desk

CRE Conference Presentations

Restorative Measures for School Connectedness & Alternatives to Suspension

  • Presented by: Nancy Riestenberg
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

SEL Conceptual Framework for Positive Youth Development

  • Presented by: Molly McCloskey-Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, USA
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Effective Ways to Motivate Change in Youth Using Restorative Justice Practices

  • Presented by: Keysha Myers, Summit County Juvenile Court; Myron Lewis, Summit County Public Health
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

National Program of Values Education – Republic of Costa Rica (Overview)

  • Presented by: Republic of Costa Rica
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

School Conflict Management Training

  • Presented by: Jennifer Batton, Director, Global Issues Resource Center, Cuyahoga Community College
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

CRE and CRETE Project History

  • Presented by: Jennifer Batton
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

View More Presentations Here

Sample Catalog Resources

Below you'll find a randomized listing of up to 20 related items (we may have more...) drawn from our Resource Catalog.

Resource Title Description Links
Changing patterns of roommate conflict fueled by the net Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 6, Number 1, (Nov 2005), discusses college roommate conflict and how it has changed in the age of "net-gen" students.
Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Analytical review of selected peace education 271-page pdf document which "is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government ... this document presents a compilation of resource materials in peace education ... the purpose is to give an overview of materials used by practitioners and provide references for those searching materials."
Preparing for special education mediation and resolution sessions: A guide for families & advocates 28-page PDF document created, "to contribute to better outcomes for children with special needs. Through a collection of articles, this guide seeks to provide families and advocates with an array of information that will equip them to make the most of the new and expanded dispute resolution options offered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As the nation’s special education law has evolved, Congress has consistently sought to provide new ways to encourage informal and speedy resolution of problems ... This guide provides a comprehensive article on preparing for special education mediation and resolution sessions, including tips for both families and advocates. A flowchart of mediation and resolution session supports the understanding of how these two processes work and intersect. For additional insight, it provides both an interview with a seasoned special education mediator and a summary of a study that sought to identify the factors that contribute to parent-school conflict. Finally, it offers communication tips for building strong partnerships and additional resources for locating further information."
Practicing peace: A peace education module for standards 4 through 6 in Solomon Islands 87-page pdf document which presents peace education for the Solomon Islands context. "The primary method used in peace education is generally referred to as a "facilitated" or "interactive" model of teaching. In this method, the teacher becomes a facilitator of learning and a co-learner with the students. Students and teachers use experiential strategies to practice skills for peace. There is a shift in the value placed on being a teacher. Using the facilitated processes of conflict resolution and peace education, teachers and students learn together and teach each other." Covered areas include: Interpersonal skills; Understanding and accepting differences; Children's rights; Building community and Mediation.
Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Teacher training manual 1 61-page pdf manual which "is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government ... the manual looks at ‘good teaching’ and the skills required to develop ‘good teaching’, these skills are useful not just for a Peace Education Programme but also for all aspects of the professional life of the teachers whom you are training."
Insider's edge, The Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 2, (March/April 2000), presenting the use of a "designated insider, an individual skilled in conflict intervention who is part of the organization, but not part of the particular department or issue in dispute," in solving workplace conflicts.
VOV activities: Learning nonviolent conflict resolution skills, grades 7-12 13-page PDF document which presents activities for 7-12 graders to improve conflict resolution skills.
International Conflict Resolution Education Summary Slideshow Powerpoint presentation examining conflict resolution education activities around the globe.
Restorative Justice: A Working Guide for Our Schools The purpose of this publication, available as a 43-page pdf, is to provide support and guidance for teachers, health workers, community leaders, and school personnel who seek to implement Restorative Justice in their schools. The guide introduces Restorative Justice concepts, articulates what is new about the approach, explores benefits, outcomes and impacts and provides guidance on initiating Restorative Justice at the school or district level. Also included are listings of resources for additional information and support.
Evaluation of the Truancy Prevention through Mediation Program (Ohio) 12-page pdf presents an evaluation of the Truancy Prevention through Mediation Program developed in Ohio. "Although the Truancy Prevention through Mediation Program (TPMP) has consistently demonstrated positive results in the effort to combat truancy, absent from these evaluations has been an examination of the impact of the program on the academic performance and behavior of the children whose families participate in the program. To fill this void, the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and the Supreme Court of Ohio collaborated to commission an independent evaluation to ascertain answers to these questions." This report summarizes the findings from this study.
Building bridges in conflict areas: Educational report 23-page PDF report in which, "the reader is invited for an overview of the methods, theories and tools that were offered to the participants. It shows how the process of theoretical presentation becomes "alive" when participants interact with trainers and share their opinions through brainstorming or reflecting on the concepts that were discussed for a better understanding of conflict resolution ... Theoretical inputs, practical exercises, thematic energizers and interactive activities created suitable atmosphere to raise awareness among participants, deepen their knowledge and raise their skills and abilities in pro-active interventions in youth field of conflict zones. Mainly during the two last days of the training course, participants were involved in partnership building activities."
Global education guidelines: A handbook for educators to understand and implement global education 85-page pdf handbook "written on the premise that educational processes in formal and non-formal settings should open the path to a better understanding of an increasingly globalised world. It also raises important issues about the professional responsibilities of educators and teachers and the role of schools and different organisations and institutions in raising global awareness and knowledge on worldwide issues across the curriculum and in non-formal projects and activities ... this document should be regarded as a guide for understanding and practising global education, also as a pedagogical coaching tool to help establish global education approaches where they do not yet exist and enrich existing ones. Its content was set up taking into account in-field practices and references and cultural, geographic, social and economic realities."
Positive approaches to discipline scenario Web-based interactive scenario which "demonstrates the differences between positive discipline and punishment. Discipline techniques focus on what we want the child to learn and what the child is capable of learning. Punishment, on the other hand, focuses on misbehavior and may do little or nothing to help a child behave better in the future. The differences between positive discipline and punishment are great, as well as the lessons learned that result from the technique used."
VOV activities: Taking responsibility for the violence in your environment, grades 7-12 1-page PDF activity sheet for 7-12 graders to "reinforce the idea that one person can make a difference in challenging the root causes for violence."
Truancy prevention through mediation program 9-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education, which "provide[s] an understanding of the structure, philosophy, and value of early intervention truancy mediation as it is practiced in Ohio, the role of the schools, juvenile court, social service agencies, charities, and other entities will be discussed along with information on how to start a program in a community, potential funding sources, the role and training of the mediators, and other relevant material.
Building effective peer mentoring programs in schools: An introductory guide 54-page PDF guide which, "provides a framework for designing a peer mentoring program, where older youth (typically high school students) mentor younger students (elementary or middle school) in a school setting. The guide incorporates the latest research on peer mentoring, and provides solutions to the common challenges faced in implementing a peer mentoring model."
Talking stick, The and The tree of gratefulness: Autumn -- thankfulness at harvest time 7-page PDF lesson plan which helps students, "to use nature as a means of expressing respect and gratitude." Projects include creating and using a talking stick.
Evaluation report on progress made through the OSCE's efforts to unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 51-page Word evaluation "of the unification of the Gymnasium Mostar in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), as commissioned by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to BiH ... the Gymnasium Mostar was an historic and premier secondary school prior to the war of 1992-1995. It was completely destroyed during the war and had become the centre of an effort to revitalize the historic Mostar downtown. An initiative to restore the multinational and high-quality nature of the school was viewed as an opportunity to use this divided school in this divided city as a model or beacon for potential reform efforts throughout the country."
Social and emotional learning (SEL) and student benefits 12-page pdf document brief which "shares the latest research on the effects of social and emotional learning SEL) on students and includes strategies for implementing SEL, it explains how SEL works, elaborates on how SEL can be an integrative prevention framework that addresses the Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) core elements, and spells out implications of the research for SS/HS grantees."
Conflict resolution: Citizenship education for young people with special needs 27-page PDF document which aims to, "develop positive models for dealing with conflict and to practise appropriate responses to deal with conflict." Includes examples of use of universal access symbols to increase retention and understanding when working with low literacy participants and students in special education classrooms.