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CRE Research-related Presentations

Connecting Schools, Communities, and Families through SEL

  • Presented by: Linda Lantieri, Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Best Practice in Integrating Conflict Management Education into Armenian School Curriculum

  • Presented by: Gohar Markosyan, NGO Women for Development (Armenia)
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

A Review of Recent Scholarship on Nonviolence

  • Presented by: Marc Simon, Bowling Green State University
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Telling Better Stories: Promoting Global Citizenship & Shared Understanding w Pulitzer Center

  • Presented by: Mark Schulte, National Education Coordinator at the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Promoting intercultural understanding in Australia

  • Presented by: Gary Shaw, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, Australia
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

The International Organization for Migration – Addressing needs of conflict affected migrants

  • Presented by: Nino Shushania, International Organization for Migration
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Impact of Peace and Conflict Resolution Education on Students in Armenia

  • Presented by: Gohar Markosyan, Women for Development, Armenia
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

(Trinidad and Tobago) Conflict Resolution: Is Research the Missing Link?

  • Presented by: Indira Rampersad and Anne-Marie Bissessar, University of the West Indies
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Evaluating Long-term Impact in Peace Education: The Case of Seeds of Peace

  • Presented by: Ned Lazarus, George Mason University
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Global Peace Education Research Project Summary

  • Presented by: Tricia Jones PhD, Professor, Temple University, and Dr. Diana Chigas, CDA Inc.
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

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Sample Catalog Resources

Below you'll find a randomized listing of up to 20 related items (we may have more...) drawn from our Resource Catalog.

Resource Title Description Links
Researching campus conflict management culture(s): A role for ombuds? Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 1, (Oct 2002), whose "purpose in this article is to briefly explore a somewhat expanded role set for the ombuds, one that includes the ombuds as researcher ... I suggest here that the ombuds is in a unique position to serve as a guide or "primary informant" ... to researchers interested in campus organizational culture and subculture, especially as it relates to conflict-related behaviors and beliefs." Includes bibliography.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) and student benefits 12-page pdf document brief which "shares the latest research on the effects of social and emotional learning SEL) on students and includes strategies for implementing SEL, it explains how SEL works, elaborates on how SEL can be an integrative prevention framework that addresses the Safe Schools/Healthy Students (SS/HS) core elements, and spells out implications of the research for SS/HS grantees."
Public policy and conflict resolution in education project: Final report, July 2002 17 page pdf report of the The Western Justice Center Foundation, Pasadena, California, in partnership with the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), which "undertook a project funded by the Compton Foundation to develop recommendations for integrating conflict resolution education (CRE) throughout California public schools. We interviewed and met with relevant practitioners, educators, policymakers and others to assess needs and gather their views with respect to CRE and public policy."
Evaluation report: Life skills project implementation in the Armenian education system 45-page PDF report which "represents an evaluation of implementation of the Life Skills Project being conducted in the Armenian education system as [a] component of an overall effort in education reform ... the project was piloted in the first and fifth grades in 16 schools in 1999-2000. In 2000-2001 the project was expanded to 100 schools and to the second and sixth grades. UNICEF provided funding and some logistical support and the MOES provided administrative and logistical project support and workspace for the curriculum development team."
CRE/PE research project 18-page Powerpoint Presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution which outlined, "A session for team members working on an international research collaboration exploring the state of Conflict Resolution Education and Peace Education around the world."
Evaluating Your Conflict Resolution Education Program: A Guide for Educators and Evaluators This 258-page pdf manual is intended to help educators and/or evaluators conduct evaluations of their conflict resolution education programs. Because much of the funding from the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management and the Ohio Department of Education supports school programs, most attention was placed on helping users evaluate these kinds of programs. The manual was prepared as a workbook so that it should be easy to use. Worksheets are included throughout the beginning parts of the manual to help users identify the program goals and evaluation goals they want to emphasize. When offered, questionnaires and interview questions are presented so that the user can simply copy the forms from the book and use them in a school.
Evaluation report on progress made through the OSCE's efforts to unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 51-page Word evaluation "of the unification of the Gymnasium Mostar in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), as commissioned by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to BiH ... the Gymnasium Mostar was an historic and premier secondary school prior to the war of 1992-1995. It was completely destroyed during the war and had become the centre of an effort to revitalize the historic Mostar downtown. An initiative to restore the multinational and high-quality nature of the school was viewed as an opportunity to use this divided school in this divided city as a model or beacon for potential reform efforts throughout the country."
Kit of Tools For Participatory Research and Evaluation with Children, Young People and Adults Four countries in four regions where Save the Children Norway is working have participated in a Thematic Evaluation on Children’s Participation in armed conflict, post conflict and peace building - Bosnia-Herzegovina, Guatemala, Nepal and Uganda. The research tools developed and used in this project are contained in this 'kit' which has been developed collaboratively by the global researchers and the four country teams. It has been enriched, adapted and expanded by contributions from the children, young people and adults. For each tool the objectives are explained, the time and materials needed, key steps to be taken and facilitators notes. There is also a section where users have made their comments on the usefulness, or otherwise, of the tool.
Challenge to create a safer learning environment for youth, The 83-page PDF report which continues the author's "exploration of how violence affects learning and my search for effective approaches to support learning for those who have experienced violence ... I sought to learn more about how violence affects learning by interviewing young people who are currently struggling with learning, either within or outside the school system. I wanted to explore how responses to trauma support or limit learning possibilities by interviewing young people and professionals engaged in the school system and in other education for youth."
Commentary considering conflict resolution education: Next steps for institutionalization Commentary that suggests the process by which conflict resolution education can become institutionalized, with future research suggestions and a bibliography.
Evaluation report: Life skills project implementation in the Armenian education system 45-page Word report which "represents an evaluation of implementation of the Life Skills Project being conducted in the Armenian education system as [a] component of an overall effort in education reform ... the project was piloted in the first and fifth grades in 16 schools in 1999-2000. In 2000-2001 the project was expanded to 100 schools and to the second and sixth grades. UNICEF provided funding and some logistical support and the MOES provided administrative and logistical project support and workspace for the curriculum development team."
Impact of violence on learning for youth: What can we do? 35-page PDF report that focuses "on the words of the interviewees, particularly the youth—both in school and out of school—and what they tell educators and others working in educational programs about what we can do to support learning." In writing the report the author wanted to understand "how violence affects learning, and to examine how school responses played a part in creating this picture. Most importantly I wanted to look for ways to strengthen the possibilities of supporting learning for youth in high schools and in youth literacy and training programs."
Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Analytical review of selected peace education 271-page pdf document which "is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government ... this document presents a compilation of resource materials in peace education ... the purpose is to give an overview of materials used by practitioners and provide references for those searching materials."
Comprehensive peer mediation evaluation project: Insights and directions for curriculum integration Pdf document which discusses the Comprehensive Peer Mediation Evaluation Project, conducted over a three year period. Written above title on document: NCIP (National Curriculum Integration Project).
Learning to live together: Building skills, values and attitudes for the 21st Century 167-page pdf study which, "represents an attempt to interpret the aim of ‘learning to live together’ as a synthesis of many related goals, such as education for peace, human rights, citizenship and health-preserving behaviours. It focuses specifically on the skills, values, attitudes and concepts needed for learning to live together, rather than on ‘knowledge’ objectives. The aim of the study is to discover ‘what works’ in terms of helping students learn to become politely assertive rather than violent, to understand conflict and its prevention, to become mediators, to respect human rights, to become active and responsible members of their communities—as local, national and global citizens, to have balanced relationships with others and neither to coerce others nor be coerced, especially into risky health behaviours ... The recommendation emerging from the study for national policy-makers and curriculum specialists is that a core national team of educators committed to the goals of peace-building, human rights, active citizenship and preventive health should be created, in order to put together and pilot test materials and methodologies related to these goals."
NCIP resource guide: "Developing caring citizens and skilled problem solvers" Pdf document presented as a guide for integrating the principles and practices of conflict resolution into the middle school classroom culture and curriculum. Topics addressed include: Educational Theories; Core Components of an Integrated Program; Integrating Four Related Fields; Comprehensive Conflict Resolution Curriculum Outline; Creating a Caring Classroom Climate; Benchmark Abilities of a Peaceable Classroom; Outline for a Successful Integrated Conflict Resolution Program; Getting Started Questionnaire; Implementation Timeline; and Curriculum Mapping
Evaluation of the Truancy Prevention through Mediation Program (Ohio) 12-page pdf presents an evaluation of the Truancy Prevention through Mediation Program developed in Ohio. "Although the Truancy Prevention through Mediation Program (TPMP) has consistently demonstrated positive results in the effort to combat truancy, absent from these evaluations has been an examination of the impact of the program on the academic performance and behavior of the children whose families participate in the program. To fill this void, the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and the Supreme Court of Ohio collaborated to commission an independent evaluation to ascertain answers to these questions." This report summarizes the findings from this study.
Harnessing the power of the World Wide Web for conflict studies courses Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 3, (August/September 2000), which "presents a range of ways that relevant information from the web can be located quickly and used to good advantage by faculty teaching conflict studies courses or workshops."
A Generation Later: What We've Learned about Zero Tolerance in Schools Zero tolerance discipline policies that mandate suspension or expulsion of students for misconduct have gained tremendous momentum over the past 25 years while also inviting deep controversy. With A Generation Later: What We’ve Learned about Zero Tolerance in Schools, Vera’s Center on Youth Justice looks at existing research about whether zero tolerance discipline policies make schools more orderly or safe, if out-of-school suspension or expulsion leads to greater involvement in the juvenile justice and criminal justice systems, and what effect these policies can have on a young person’s future. It concludes that, a generation after the rise of these policies and practices, neither schools nor young people have benefited. Fortunately, as described in the report, promising alternatives to zero tolerance can safely keep young people where they belong -- in school.
Applying program theory development to a study of restorative practices in Victorian schools Abstract of study which investigated the context and conditions in which restorative practices were introduced in eighteen Victorian schools.