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Effective Activism: Mapping Tactics and Strategies, Allies and Opponents

  • Presented by: Michael Loadenthal, Visiting Professor of Sociology and Social Justice, Miami University of Oxford; Executive Director, Peace and Justice Studies Association
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Fellowships in Conflict Resolution and International Peace

  • Presented by: Yehuda Silverman, Nova Southeastern University
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Faculty Resources for Adding Civil Resistance Content to Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Programs

  • Presented by: Steve Chase, Manager of Academic Initiatives, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict; Colins Imoh, University of Toledo
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Supporting ex-offenders: creating community with college social systems

  • Presented by: Heidi Arnold, Professor of Communication, Sinclair Community College
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

Preparing Tomorrow’s Peacemakers: Robots vs. Resumes

  • Presented by: Nina L. Talley, Director of Career Services, Wilmington College
  • View Presentation and Abstract: Click Here

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Sample Catalog Resources

Below you'll find a randomized listing of up to 20 related items (we may have more...) drawn from our Resource Catalog.

Resource Title Description Links
Youth & conflict: Global challenges, local strategies, 2008 21-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education which "introduce[d] some of the themes and research associated with current thinking in values education
Training Module for Education for a Culture of Peace This module, released in January 1999, is based on experiences working in Sierra-Leone. It was written to provide some relevant information on practical ideas to enhance women's traditional conflict resolution and mediating practices since they are also stakeholders in conflict situations but are often left out in conflict resolution initiatives. The material is divided into 8 units. Unit 1 - Understanding Gender and distinguishing between Gender and Sex Roles Unit 2 - Trauma Healing and Counselling Unit 3 - Conflict Resolution Unit 4 - Gender Awareness in Conflict Resolution/Reconciliation, Concept of Repentance and Forgiveness Unit 5 - Mediation and the role of Women in Peace Building within the Family, the Community, the School and the total Social Environment Unit 6 - Raising Awareness of Gender Issues and Peace Building through the use of Drama Unit 7 - Understanding Basic Rights and Freedom and their Limitations Unit 8 - Practices for sustaining Peace after the Resolution of Conflict/Institutionalizing transformation
Management and resolution of conflicts: An essential competence for life in basic education Presentation of the value of teaching conflict resolution education in schools.
Training of Teachers in Areas of Armed Conflict This 64-page practice manual was written by Dr. Anica Mikus Kos, a pediatrician and child psychiatrist from Slovenia. It was published as a supplement in the online journal Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, Vol 3 No. 2 ; July 2005
Ideas for human rights education 24-page PDF report of a project whose primary aim, "was to document good practices in human rights education across the school sectors in Victoria, and to disseminate interesting and innovative ideas from which schools and teachers can draw, according to their local needs and issues. This resource has three sections entitled Lesson Sparks, Whole School Organisation and Activities and School and Community Partnerships. The activities in each section are not prescriptive, and this resource does not attempt to provide a full curriculum for human rights education. Rather, it is intended that the suggested activities will confirm many current practices in schools as contributing to a human rights agenda, and act as springboards for further ideas for human rights education for schools and their communities."
Iman and the pastor, The: Coexist, Lessons from Nigeria and beyond 27-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education which presents, "The work of religious peacemakers and the experiences of the Imam and the Pastor will be shared as well as ways that COEXIST helps youth gain needed skills to prevent and resolve conflicts that arise due to misunderstandings about diverse beliefs and cultural assumptions."
Cultivating Peace in the 21st Century: Ready to Use Student Activities This 60-page pdf is a lesson pack developed for use in Canadian classrooms. It consists of 7 distinct lessons "designed to actively engage secondary school students in the search for a deep understanding of the forces that can bring about tragedies such as the attack on the World Trade Center, and the means by which they can personally contribute to the ongoing search for peaceful coexistence. It provides teachers and administrators with concrete mechanisms for integrating peace education into the curriculum and the school environment."
Accessing free web-based conflict resolution education resources 28-slide Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA which introduces "the Conflict Resolution Education Connection, a free online one-stop-shop for resources and information on conflict resolution education. We will review the history of this cooperative project, talk about its future and highlight some of the great tools and resources hidden within."
Teaching and learning in circle Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 2, (February 2003), which "explores the impact of teaching using a circle format, both at the high school and college level."
Peer mediation training for schools: Best practice guidelines (UK) 8-page Word document which presents best practice guidelines developed by the Peer Mediation Network in the UK. Paper begins with a definition of peer mediation and then outlines best practices for many aspects of training.
Collaboration across fields: Implementation and sustainability of SEL, CRE, PE and CE 73-page PDF conference reader from the two-day summit, "Collaboration across Fields: Implementation and Sustainability of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), Conflict Resolution Education (CRE), Peace Education (PE), and Citizenship Education (CE), held in Cleveland, Ohio on June 19th and 20th, 2009. The conference "brought together government representatives from among the 50 states and invited countries (Ghana, Kenya, Montenegro, Philippines) and their non-governmental organization partners. Organizations were invited because of their interest in developing legislation and policy in peace education, social and emotional learning, conflict resolution education, and/or civics education and their interest in securing ways to strengthen implementation and achieve sustainability of these efforts ... this capacity building summit offered a dynamic opportunity to develop a global infrastructure to advance the work in the fields of conflict resolution education, peace education, social and emotional learning, and citizenship education. The summit brought together policymakers, researchers and educators representing regions across the United States and select member countries of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict GPPAC). These national and international guests exchanged successful macro level policy design and implementation models at the state-wide or national level, and macro level evaluation methodology and tools for states and countries. Specific areas of focus included: Teacher education, research and evaluation, and policy implementation options for primary, elementary and secondary education at the national or state levels."
Companion curriculum to: Innocents lost by Jimmie Briggs Pdf teacher's guide companion to the book, "Innocents Lost" by Jimmie Briggs with five lessons to accompany readings from the book.
Evaluation report on progress made through the OSCE's efforts to unify the Gymnasium Mostar: Summer 51-page Word evaluation "of the unification of the Gymnasium Mostar in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), as commissioned by the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission to BiH ... the Gymnasium Mostar was an historic and premier secondary school prior to the war of 1992-1995. It was completely destroyed during the war and had become the centre of an effort to revitalize the historic Mostar downtown. An initiative to restore the multinational and high-quality nature of the school was viewed as an opportunity to use this divided school in this divided city as a model or beacon for potential reform efforts throughout the country."
Creating Spaces for Dialogue - A Role for Civil Society This manuscript is published by Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) as part of a new GPPAC Dialogue and Mediation series. The stories presented in the book are authored by GPPAC network members who initiated a conversation between communities and societies polarised and divided as a result of conflict. Each story shows how civil society plays a vital role in rebuilding trust and enabling collaborations. The authors describe how the dialogue processes unfolded, and share resulting lessons and observations. They also present their views on the questions that need to be addressed in designing a meaningful process. Is there such a thing as the most opportune moment to initiate a dialogue? Who should introduce the process? How is the process of participant selection approached, and what are the patterns of relationship transformation? Lastly, what follows once confidence and trust have been established? The stories include civil society contributions to normalising inter-state relations between the US and Cuba, and Russia and Georgia and chronicles of community dialogues between Serbians and Albanians in Serbia and Kosovo, and Christians and Muslims in Indonesia.
Changing the world: Youth mediators across the globe 17-page Powerpoint presentation given to middle school mediators at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which discussed peer mediation programs around the world.
The Elementary Child: Teaching to the Spirit, Teaching for Peace This combined 2-part article (published in 2 separate issues of Montessori Leadership), provides an overview of how Cathleen Haskins implemented a peace education curriculum in a Montessori classroom. It provides information on Montessori's call for peace education, and specific details on the curriculum autonomously created (activities and exercises) and used with students aged 6-9 years, in both a public Montessori and private.
Inter-American summit on conflict resolution education: International innovations and challenges 24 page program for the Inter-American summit on conflict resolution education, held in Cleveland, Ohio on March 14-15, 2007. Included in document is information on the planning committee, keynote speakers and course descriptions.
Proposed Guiding Principles for Israeli/Palestinian Academic Cooperation Short version (29 page pdf) of a UNESCO study conducted by the Palestinian Center for the Dissemination of Democracy and Community Development (PANORAMA), with Walid Salem heading the Palestinian team, and by the Center for Research and Cooperation Jerusalem (CRC), with Edy Kaufman heading the Israeli team, within UNESCO’s Civil Societies in Dialogue Programme. The goal of the project is to explore avenues for significantly increasing the percentage of Israeli and Palestinian academics and intellectuals engaged in constructive dialogue who can contribute towards a just peace. This document was launched in 2004 by UNESCO, which commissioned a study on the obstacles and promises of establishing a sound basis for academic and intellectual cooperation across the Israeli/Palestinian divide.
Commentary considering conflict resolution education: Next steps for institutionalization Commentary that suggests the process by which conflict resolution education can become institutionalized, with future research suggestions and a bibliography.
Classrooms in peace: Preliminary results of a multi-component program 24-page PDF article from the "Ineramerican Journal of Education for Democracy," vol. 1, no. 1, September, 2007. Abstract: "Classrooms in Peace is aimed at preventing aggressive behaviors and promoting peaceful coexistence through 1) a curriculum for the development of citizenship competencies in the classroom; 2) extracurricular reinforcement in groups of two initially aggressive and four prosocial children; 3) workshops for, visits and phone calls to family mothers/fathers. A first implementation of the complete program showed a drastic decrease in aggressive behaviors and indiscipline and a considerable increase in prosocial behaviors, adherence to rules, and friendship networks among classmates. The combination of universal components and targeted components for those most in need seems to be highly valuable, especially in violent contexts."