This 95-page pdf training guide is designed to support the development of conflict resolution skills for people involved in social work activities. “This module teaches conflict management through a combination of skill-building and philosophical discussion to enable participants to become invested in the idea that non-violent conflict management is better, more effective, and more efficacious in the long run than either conflict avoidance, or an aggressive approach that produces ‘winners’ and ‘losers.’ The material can be presented in training sessions of varying lengths from one class to an entire semester. The author recommends separating the three modules over time to allow time for integration of skills.”
Opening the door to nonviolence: Peace education manual for primary school children
Electronic version of the second edition of a teacher’s guide for teaching peace education to primary school students. “Part I is designed as a training in affirmation, cooperation and communication. Part II deals with the healing of trauma; Part III is about bias and prejudices. Part IV introduces peaceful problem solving and nonviolent conflict resolving and Part V is about peaceful living. There are 20 chapters/sessions in the book, each session developed through step-by-step activities.”
VOV activities: Learning nonviolent conflict resolution skills, grades 7-12
13-page PDF document which presents activities for 7-12 graders to improve conflict resolution skills.
SACSC Toward a safe and caring secondary curriculum
Web site developed by the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada whose mission “is to encourage home, school and community practices that teach, model and reinforce socially responsible and respectful behaviors, so that living and learning can take place in a safe, caring and inclusive environment. Achieving this mission requires the involvement not only of parents, teachers, and children, but of all the important adults in children’s lives.” The “purpose of the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities Toward a Safe and Caring Curriculum Secondary Unit and Lesson Plans web-based resource is to provide units, lesson plans and other resources that integrate safe and caring knowledge, skills and attitudes into all subject areas in the Alberta secondary curriculum… this resource was developed by Alberta reachers in whose classrooms the accompanying lessons have been field tested.” The lessons address 6 topics: Living Respectfully; Developing Self-Esteem; Respecting Diversity and Preventing Prejudice; Managing Anger; Dealing with Bullying; and Resolving Conflicts Peacefully for junior and senior high school students.
SACSC Elementary unit and lesson plans
Web site developed by the Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada whose mission “is to encourage home, school and community practices that teach, model and reinforce socially responsible and respectful behaviors, so that living and learning can take place in a safe, caring and inclusive environment. Achieving this mission requires the involvement not only of parents, teachers, and children, but of all the important adults in children’s lives.” The site houses a number of lesson plans and educational units “focusing on adult modeling, the SACSC programs prevent negative social behavior through character education, conflict management training and building respect for diversity. They promote a problem-solving approach to discipline that encourages positive social behavior by expecting young people to fix the wrong they have caused, thereby learning from their mistakes.” They focus on 5 topics: Living Respectfully; Developing Self-Esteem; Respecting Diversity and Preventing Prejudice; Managing Anger and Dealing with Bullying and Harassment; and Resolving Conflicts Peacefully for grades K-6.
In the mix lesson plan: Managing anger
Web based lesson plan “designed to teach anger management and conflict resolution through the ‘I-Message’ communication technique and other group activities.” Draws on materials provided by PBS’s In the Mix program
Lessons for helping students develop emotional awareness to support CRE
20-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution education, in which “participants will learn multiple, developmentally appropriate, lowcost activities that can be used in classroom or counseling settings to develop emotion foundation abilities, in students grades K-8, adaptations that would suit students with cognitive, behavioral and emotional challenges.”
Angry student role play
Two page document describing role play exercise with one student acting as angry student, based on exercise designed by Larry Daiber.
Anger and acting out
One page document discussing the causes on anger, its expression, adult roles and interventions.
Bug board
Pdf document for teachers of young students (K-3) to help them identify and deal positively with angry feelings.
Bug board
Tool consisting of text and images to help young children (grades K-3) discuss anger.
Anatomy of anger
Pdf document about anger for students in grades 7-12. Facilitator outlines types of anger and introduces anger iceberg. Examples of anger are presented with questions for discussion and homework assignments.