One page summary of meta-analysis that examines more than 25 years of evidence to determine whether participation in CRE contributes to reduced antisocial behaviors in K-12 schools, and if so, whether the effects differ by age groups or have practical significance.
Virginia Tech shooting: Lessons for dismantling norms about violence
10-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education, which “offers a Preliminary inquiry into pedagogical actions for addressing the intersections among gender, race, ethnicity, social class, mental illness, and violence, the limitations of the thinking that pervaded the recent public discourse on the Virginia Tech Shooting will be revealed and a responsive pedagogical action proposed.”
Strategies for managing the phases of acting-out behavior
Word document examining acting out behavior based on H.M. Walker, G. Colvin and E. Ramsey’s work, “Antisocial behavior in school: Strategies and best practices.”
Average day in the United States
Word document with statistics on violence and social problems related to children.