Social Emotional Learning via The Heart Story (RCCP)

This video from shows several RCCP activities, including one that helps young people explore put-ups and put-downs in an engaging way. – Holding a red paper heart inscribed with the words “I am important,” teacher Sarah Button is telling a story to her class of engrossed fifth graders. Each time she comes to a part of the story in which the protagonist, Maria, is on the receiving end of a deflating put-down (“Get up, lazyhead,” “You gonna wear those old rags to school?” “What’s up with that rat’s nest on your head?”), Button tears away a part of the heart. Finally, just a small piece remains. A lesson plan for this activity is available here.

On-the-Spot Mediation: how to use your skills in everyday life

This is a film by young people from Leap Confronting Conflict’s PeerLink project – – a network for young people involved in peer mediation and conflict resolution. The newscast-style report describes when it’s safe for young people to use their existing peer mediation skills in everyday life. A related handout with key ideas from the film is available here.