Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4, (Nov/Dec 2000), which discusses the work of the Campus Mediation Center (CMC) at Syracuse University.
Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management
Powerpoint presentation overview of the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resoluction and Conflict Management whose overall goal is to, “assist Ohioans in resolving disputes in the most efficient way possible while reducing the chance of violence, building positive relationships and helping disputants reach win-win situations.” The presentation highlights the OCDRCM’s work with other agencies and their focus on school based conflict management programs.
Recommended standards for school-based peer mediation programs
Twenty-eight page document presenting standards for school-based peer mediation programs that are designed to enhance quality and stimulate thought among youth and adult participants in peer mediation programs. Aids in the creation and implementation of programs, designing curricula and evaluation procedures, funding and promoting programs, providing professional development and setting guidelines for research.
Summit report California overview
Presentation of a school and law enforcement partnership between the Superintendent of Public Schools in California and the Attorney General of California to encourage school districts, county offices of education, law enforcement agencies and youth services agencies to develop programs and activities to improve school attendance and aid in the reduction of school crime and violence.
Inter-American summit 2007: Conflict resolution education international innovations and challenges
Presentation examining the state of confict resolution education in Australia.
Gaps in CRE research: Back to the future
Powerpoint presentation examining the progress of conflict resolution education and gaps in the research on the efficacy of programs with suggestions for future research.
Conflict resolution education: The field, the findings and the future
Article on conflict resolution education, the programs (peer mediation, anti-bullying), research findings on CRE and the future of conflict resolution education, with bibliography, originally published in Conflict Resolution Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 1-2, Fall-Winter 2004.
Assessing the status of your school’s comprehensive bullying prevention plan
Pdf document which presents a series of questions to help educators determine the status of bullying programs, based on Dan Olweus’s, “Bullying prevention program.”