Standards for Peace Education

11-page pdf provides a list of recommended standards for students, teachers and teacher educators with respect to peace education. They were developed under the leadership of Dr. Candice C. Carter from the University of North Florida during her global and domestic work with peace educators and peace education researchers. These dynamic standards have been used for students in all levels of education as well as for program design. Suggestions for, and outcomes of, their use in particular cultures and contexts are welcomed.

Promoting mediation center quality awareness using guided self-assessment

Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 4, Number 1, (Oct. 2003), which introduces “NAFCM’s [National Association for Community Mediation] manual … [which focuses] … not on the direct provision of services themselves, but rather on the quality of the system through which cases are managed, mediators are trained and evaluated, and mediation centers determine what “quality” means in their communities, by encouraging
community mediation centers to examine their goals and values in light of their communities’ needs and values and to develop their own approaches to serving these needs effectively, NAFCM’s self-assessment approach aims to increase quality without imposing restrictive and inappropriate standards.”