76-page PDF guide which “is the result of two conferences on racial harassment and numerous training-of-trainer administrator workshops conducted during the past eight years by the Equity Center (formerly the Center for National Origin, Race, and Sex Equity—CNORSE) where the intersection of the issues of racial and sexual harassment have been made clear by educators in the field. Although much national attention has been focused separately on the issues of racial harassment and sexual harassment, the reality is that when one form of harassment occurs, the opportunity exists for all types of harassment. Focusing only on one type of harassment can allow another type of harassment to go unchallenged. This guide addresses the more comprehensive issue of school-based harassment by capturing similarities in cause of, type of, and remedy for all forms of harassment while also addressing the unique and legal aspects of racial and sexual harassment, as appropriate. The hope is that the material will help school staff, families, students, and communities to create a safe and bias-free learning environment.”
Flirting or hurting?: Teacher guide, grade 6-9
9-page PDF teacher’s guide which accompanies 3 filmed programs on sexual harrassment, “two of the modules target students, and one targets teachers. Throughout the student programs, the host, an older sister character, provides definitions, explanations and insights based on her own experiences … the two 15-minute classroom programs include breaks for discussions or activities. These programs are appropriate for coeducational Health, Guidance, Family & Consumer Science, English, Social Studies, Physical Education, and New Student Orientation classes, or Vocational shops in grades 6 through 9.”
Lessons from literature: Classroom manual for English literature teachers
40-page PDF manual which provides “the framework for [teachers] to use the books and stories you’re already teaching to increase awareness about the damaging effects of physical, sexual and verbal abuse. Designed to integrate easily into your existing literature curriculum, the program empowers you with resources that help your students build key academic skills and meet national education standards while also learning to recognize abusive uses of power and control and alternatives to violence. Two in-depth lessons are included in this manual.” The books used in this manual are “Their Eyes Were Watching God,” by Zora Neale Hurston and “Lord of the Flies,” by William Golding.
Programmes scolaires de prévention de la violence: Manuel de documentation
199-page pdf manual in French which “provides practical research- and expert-based information on school-based programs to prevent interpersonal violence. We review 79 prevention programs (18 in the French version). Each has research evidence, addresses unique “at-risk” populations, such as children with disabilities, or uses innovative approaches to engaging youth.”
School-based violence prevention programs: A resource manual
199-page pdf manual which “provides practical research- and expert-based information on school-based programs to prevent interpersonal violence. We review 79 prevention programs. Each has research evidence, addresses unique “at-risk” populations, such as children with disabilities, or uses innovative approaches to engaging youth.”
Men stopping rape exercises
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 6, Number 1, (Nov 2005), which presents a “list of some of the exercises developed by the members of Men Stopping Rape in Madison, WI, for use in anti-rape workshops, I compiled this list for use in Syracuse at a Man-to-Man training program entitled ‘Practical Strategies for Ending Abuse: A Skill Training for Educators.'”
Doing anti-rape work: One man’s perspective
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 6, Number 1, (Nov 2005), which discusses the author’s “anti-rape prevention work with men [which] means trying to reduce the likelihood that the men who attend a workshop will behave in ways that are assaultive.”
Challenges of sexual harassment mediation on campus
Pdf article reprinted from Aug-Sept 1997 issue (Vol. 79 pp. 19-21) of The Fourth R, the Newsletter of the
National Association for Mediation in Education examines the use of mediation in college and university sexual harrassment complaints.
Flirting or hurting
Pdf document presents a classroom activity to help define and give examples of flirting and sexual harassment.