This set of 10 letter-size posters describes the work of 9 Quakers (members of the Religious Society of Friends) active in various domains of peacemaking. Featured peacemakers include Lewis Fry Richardson, Adam Curle, Bayard Rustin, Elise Boulding, Kenneth Boulding, Priscilla Prutzman, Jennifer Beer, Bill Kreidler and George Lakey. Also featured is the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), a Quaker-founded program working in prisons and community settings. Each poster includes a quote, a stylized picture and biographical background information on the featured person or project.
Creating Spaces for Dialogue – A Role for Civil Society
This manuscript is published by Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) as part of a new GPPAC Dialogue and Mediation series. The stories presented in the book are authored by GPPAC network members who initiated a conversation between communities and societies polarised and divided as a result of conflict. Each story shows how civil society plays a vital role in rebuilding trust and enabling collaborations.
The authors describe how the dialogue processes unfolded, and share resulting lessons and observations. They also present their views on the questions that need to be addressed in designing a meaningful process. Is there such a thing as the most opportune moment to initiate a dialogue? Who should introduce the process? How is the process of participant selection approached, and what are the patterns of relationship transformation? Lastly, what follows once confidence and trust have been established?
The stories include civil society contributions to normalising inter-state relations between the US and Cuba, and Russia and Georgia and chronicles of community dialogues between Serbians and Albanians in Serbia and Kosovo, and Christians and Muslims in Indonesia.
Democratic Dialogue – A Handbook for Practitioners
This 262-page pdf provides a collection of information and advice from experienced dialogue practitioners and includes numerous international examples to illustrate key ideas. “The Handbook on Democratic Dialogue has been a joint effort of The Canadian International Development Association (CIDA), International IDEA, the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), receiving valuable input from a wider network of organizations. This Handbook has been designed to reflect current practice in the field of dialogue and to draw on concrete experiences of practitioners in various regions and of various actors involved in these processes. It seeks to consolidate emerging learning – both in terms of the conceptual framework supporting dialogue, and practical experiences in the design, facilitation and assessment of such processes on the ground. It also offers a comprehensive mapping of the process tools that can be used to support dialogue initiatives, thereby expanding the toolbox currently available to practitioners.”
For the Sake of Children: Peacebuilding Storytelling Guide
Online version of a book of story-based activities focused on promoting peace awareness in young people. “The intention of the peace-building stories and activities presented in this book is for any person involved with children, whether a parent, a grandparent, a teacher, a child-care worker, or a health care professional, to ignite children’s imaginations and expand their understandings about peace and how it can be created and become an active part of the creation process.”
The activities promote the development and sharing of stories with the following identified peace-building elements.
– happy endings
– everyone winning
– nonviolent resolution
– imaginative and creative
– challenges existing stereotyping
– faith and hope
– peace with the environment
– finding personal peace
– elements that support the idea that peace is possible
Building bridges in conflict areas: Educational report
23-page PDF report in which, “the reader is invited for an overview of the methods, theories and tools that were offered to the participants. It shows how the process of theoretical presentation becomes “alive” when participants interact with trainers and share their opinions through brainstorming or reflecting on the concepts that were discussed for a better understanding of conflict resolution … Theoretical inputs, practical exercises, thematic energizers and interactive activities created suitable atmosphere to raise awareness among participants, deepen their knowledge and raise their skills and abilities in pro-active interventions in youth field of conflict zones. Mainly during the two last days of the training course, participants were involved in partnership building activities.”
Making a difference: Creating more skillful educators & students & more peaceful schools through CRE
24-page pdf report which documents the work of the “Conflict Resolution Education Partnership (CRE Partnership)[which] has given over 80 grants to schools in Maryland that have resulted in significant and meaningful changes. Beyond implementing short-term safety measures, Conflict Resolution Rducation (CRE) involves teaching problem solving, anger management snd life lessons for effectively de-escalating and resolving conflicts in productive and peaceful ways. The tesults of the CRE Partnership show dramatic improvements in schools: duccessful conflict resolution programs reduce school discipline problems, improve student decision-making skills and increase academic achievement.”
Addressing off-campus student conduct with restorative justice
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 6, Number 1, (Nov 2005), which introduces a program where “over 200 students … participated in restorative justice, meeting face-to-face with community members, fellow students, and campus staff to resolve their cases at the neighborhood level, the results of their conference agreements include hundreds of hours of service in the neighborhoods affected (picking up litter, tutoring at a gradeschool, volunteering at the local library, serving meals to the homeless, etc.), plus written apologies, verbal apologies to neighborhood boards, outreach and education efforts on campus, and in some cases, self-help such as chemical dependency counseling.”
Collaboration and conflict resolution skills: A core academic competency?
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4, (Nov/Dec 2000), examines “an innovative program at California State University Monterey Bay [which] has incorporated conflict resolution as one of the program’s 11 Major Learning Objectives that students must know and understand in order to graduate.”
Diversity training
Pdf article reprinted from Aug-Sept 1997 issue (Vol. 79 pp. 17-19) of The Fourth R, the Newsletter of the National Association for Mediation in Education, introducing The National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI), an international
organization which leads diversity programs on college campuses.
Managing conflict at school: Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management in the US
Fifth online chapter from, “Education That Makes a Difference: Success Stories for Conflict Resolution Educators,” presents the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management a leader in the United States of school-based conflict resolution education. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
Uniting children during war: Sawa – UNICEF in Lebanon
Fourth online chapter from, “Education That Makes a Difference: Success Stories for Conflict Resolution Educators.” This chapter discusses two programs started by UNICEF in Lebanon, SAWA (which means “together” in Arabic) an educational and entertaining magazine for children and a peace camp program. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
Committed to building peace: The City Montessori School in India
Third online chapter from, “Education That Makes a Difference: Success Stories for Conflict Resolution Educators,” describes the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India. CMS is the largest private school in the world and is dedicated to teaching peace education. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
Food, education, and peacebuilding: Children’s learning services in Sierra Leone
Second online chapter from “Education That Makes a Difference: Success Stories for Conflict Resolution Educators,” dealing with the Children’s Learning Services established in Sierre Leone. Since 2001 CLS has mobilized volunteers and practitioners in peacebuilding, quality basic education, and nutrition security in and out of school. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
Education that makes a difference: Success stories for conflict resolution educators
Online version of an introductory chapter to conflict resolution education and peace studies, with challenges to successful programs, information about Peace Boat (a program for students), best practices, a bibliography and resource list. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
Guidelines for CRE model success
Powerpoint presentation discussing different models for successful conflict resolution education programs.