About Us
The Conflict Resolution Education Connection is a web site devoted to the promotion of conflict resolution education throughout the world.

Our Goals
The goals of this web site are:
- Promote best practice in the field of CRE by defining the field, its components, and accomplishments
- Serve as a clearinghouse of information on state-of-the-art developments in the CRE field including policy and legislation, current research, service delivery initiatives and organizations, and developments in related fields
- Provide CRE instructional materials to formal and informal educators working in K-16 learning
- Provide a comprehensive network linking CRE related organizations, professionals, policy makers, and educators working with CRE
- Develop global interest in CRE and promote global developments in CRE
- Enable communication/conferral between web site users through discussion boards/chat rooms
- Encourage evaluation of CRE through provision of evaluation materials and models
- Develop media outreach, connections with mainstream media to promote CRE
Target Audiences
To achieve these goals, we have designed the web site to serve a variety of audiences:
- Teachers (K-16, Classroom teachers)
- Policy Makers (School Administrators, School Boards, Legislators)
- Students (Youth leaders, Peer mediators)
- Researchers (Academicians, CRE Researchers, Researchers in Related Fields)
- NGOs/CSOs (Service Delivery in CRE and related fields)
Project Website History Timeline
This interactive timeline highlights some of the project website’s accomplishments from early 2008 through the end of 2010.
The administration of Conflict Resolution Education Connection involves three committees – an Executive Committee, an Editorial Review Committee, and an Advisory Committee.
The Executive Committee oversees the development and operation of the Conflict Resolution Education Connection web site. Current members of the Executive Committee include:
- Prof. Tricia S. Jones, Project Director, Temple University
- Prof. William Warters, Web Designer, Faculty Member, Wayne State University
- Ms. Jennifer Batton, (Former) Executive Director, Global Issues Resource Center
- Ms. Sarah Wallis, (Former) Director of Education Programs, Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management
The Editorial Review Committee reviews content submissions and, following the editorial content policy statement provided on the site, decides whether submissions will be posted or linked to Conflict Resolution Education Connection.
Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee consists of representatives from a number of organizations who participate in planning and providing feedback on the Conflict Resolution Education Connection web site. The Advisory Committee organizations include:
- United States Department of Justice; Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
- United States Department of Justice; OJP/CCDO
- United States Department of Education; Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
- United States Department of Education; Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools
- House of Representatives, US Congress
- Organization of American States
- United States Institute of Peace
- American Association of Health Educators (AAHE)
- American Bar Association; Dispute Resolution Section (ABADR)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR)
- Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- Consortium for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE)
- International Peace Research Association (IPRA)
- National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
- Psychologists for Social Responsibility (PSR)
- North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention; Center for the Prevention of School Violence
- Ohio Commission for Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management
- University of Maryland; Maryland Schools Conflict Resolution Grants Program
- Washington State Department of Corrections
- Cleveland State University
- Temple University
- American Friends Service Committee; Helping Increase the Peace Program (HIPP)
- Campus-ADR; Wayne State University
- Creative Response to Conflict (CRC)
- CRU Institute
- Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR)
- Lehigh University
- Peace Alliance
- Project Peace; LEAP-Kids
- School Mediation Associates (SMA)
- The Peace Center
Funding Support
The Conflict Resolution Education Connection has been made possible by the generous support of several organizations:
- JAMS Foundation
- Global Issues Resources Center, Cuyahoga Community College
- USDE Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education
- William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- George Gund Foundation