Foundation for Tolerance International
Type of Organization: Non-governmental - Non-Profit
Home Country: Kyrgyzstan

Foundation for Tolerance International is a non-governmental organisation working for the prevention and nonviolent resolution of conflict. The Foundation was established in 1998 to continue the work of the “Conflict Transformation and Teaching Tolerance” initiative implemented in 1996 with the support of the UNHCR. Following the completion of the original project it became clear that further work was needed in this area and FTI was designated as the professional team to continue peacebuilding initiatives in the region. The FTI’s experience and the expertise of its employees make it a leader in conflict prevention and resolution. Its knowledge and the services it provides benefit both state-run and non-governmental organisations, as well as members of local communities and individual citizens of Kyrgyzstan, irrespective of social status, ethnicity, national origin or belief.
Now with consulting support of the GPPAC, FTI with UNDP works on establishing Infrastructures for Peace (I4P) in Kyrgyzstan, including Conflict Prevention and Peer Mediation in schools.
Noteable Resources
Check out our Conflict Prevention and Peer Mediation Toolkit.Contact Information
Name: Foundation for Tolerance International
Type: Non-governmental - Non-Profit
Umetalieva street, 27/36
Kyrgyz Republic,
Voice Phone: +9 (96 312) 91-07-57, +9 (96 312) 91-08-58
Fax: +9 (96 312) 91-08-57
Contact person: Tazhykan Shabdanova
Contact email: