Melanesia Education Development Foundation
Type of Organization: Non-governmental - Non-Profit
Home Country: Papua New Guinea
To promote Education Development Opportunities for the less fortunate children and people of Papua New Guinea and greater Melanesia in order to help them realize their full potential in Life.
We passionatively believe in Education as a powerful tool to bring social, economic and environmental and change.
Our Education Development Programs have community development themes. The core theme of our education development programs is “PEACE”.
We believe in: Peaceful schools, Peaceful Education, Peaceful Future.
We need sponsors to sponsor our various education development programs. For details, please visit our website.
Contact Information
Name: Melanesia Education Development Foundation
Type: Non-governmental - Non-Profit
Pitpit St. North Waiganin Box 1636 POM NCD
Lot 60 Sect. 276
Port Moresby,
National Capital District,
Papua New Guinea
Voice Phone: 675 687-3448
Fax: 675 325-2667
Contact person: Mr. John Senior Kambowa
Contact email: