Teaching about conflict through citizenship education

18-page pdf article which examined “Through interviews and observations in case study primary and secondary schools in the West Midlands, we therefore explored what was understood by this notion of global citizenship, and under this umbrella, what it was that students and teachers thought should be learned, we found that the most outstanding concern for students was war and conflict – and in the current context, not just historically, after giving some detail of these concerns, this paper attempts to develop a typology of different ways that schools teach about conflict before making more general arguments about the importance of peace education within a citizenship education framework and the role of teachers in tackling both difference and indifference.”

Role of conflict/conflict resolution in anti-racism education curriculum

Essay which “examine[s] the role of conflict and conflict resolution in antiracism education curriculum in school settings, the role of explicit antiracist curriculum in facilitating questioning, talk back, rethinking, positive conflict, and re-evaluating, are important conditions in teaching for equity and social justice, the impact of how the curriculum is used will also be analysed and explored throughout this paper.” Includes bibliographical references.

Education for peace: A curriculum framework K-12

14-page pdf document which presents a “conceptual framework from which schools may devise a program comprising the transmission of universal values and enduring attitudes, and the development of skills which will enable our students to become active global citizens … the implementation of this conceptual framework recognizes the practice of peaceful relations at all levels: personal, familial, communal, inter-cultural and global, it entails a process of knowledge acquisition and skill-building which affects the behavior of individuals and groups and provides a model for the formal and informal curriculum of the school, education for Peace is a process and condition which permeates all aspects of school life, with implications for learners, teachers, and administrators and it extends beyond the school to society as a whole.”

Teaching global and local conflict in the classroom

24-page pdf document that accompanied a professional development program hosted by the World Affairs Council. Document consists of a list (with web addresses) of resources that relate to confict and conflict resolution. Recommend sites and sites that include lesson plans are noted.

Managing and resolving conflicts effectively in schools and classrooms

A multipart learning module developed by the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Drug Prevention and School Safety Coordinators which contains a five-day curriculum which providing educators and administrators with the skills and techniques to manage and eventually reduce conflict in schools. Day 1 addresses conflict and conflict management in education, day 2 presents curriculum infusion and peer mediation, day 3 introduces the peaceable school and classroom, day 4 presents best practices in conflict resolution education and day 5 helps educators develop a conflict management plan. Includes annotated bibliography and list of CRE organizations and programs.

Educational integration measures in Hungary

19-slide Powerpoint presentation which examines measures taken by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities of the Republic of Hungary to improve the education of minorities, primarily Romani children.

Tolerance Stories Booklet

55-page collection of stories, “to teach tolerance because stories are the first and most enduring literary form and they have the power to shape people’s understanding of the world and to change their lives … it is our hope that this resource booklet will facilitate educators in elementary and secondary schools to introduce discussions of tolerance by supplying a wide array of narratives that illustrate principles of tolerance, and by so doing, enable their students to be leaders of tolerance in their homes, neighborhoods, and communities.”

Connected and respected: Lessons from resolving conflict creatively

19-slide Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which “explore[d] a model, five approaches, and practical strategies for integrating conflict resolution education into elementary classrooms based upon experiences in the widely disseminated and well-evaluated Resolving Conflict Creatively Program … also look[ed] at how conflict resolution education can be linked with social and emotional learning competencies, character education, and national standards.”

Bias awareness workshop

12-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which looked at “celebrating one’s culture, examine[d] personal, cultural and institutional forms of bias and develop[ed] strategies to effectively respond to bias.” Includes a Creative Responses to Bullying Bibliography.

Model in the Caucus’ for Inter-Ethnic Relations (Georgia), A

64-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education which “review[s] the project, “Management of Interethnic Relations in Georgia,” consisting of three main modules: (1) training (2) problem solving workshops, and (3) a creation of a code of ethics for interethnic relations.”

Iman and the pastor, The: Coexist, Lessons from Nigeria and beyond

27-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education which presents, “The work of religious peacemakers and the experiences of the Imam and the Pastor will be shared as well as ways that COEXIST helps youth gain needed skills to prevent and resolve conflicts that arise due to misunderstandings about diverse beliefs and cultural assumptions.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Analytical review of selected peace education

271-page pdf document which “is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … this document presents a compilation of resource materials in peace education … the purpose is to give an overview of materials used by practitioners and provide references for those searching materials.”

Inter-agency peace education programme: Skills for constructive living: Overview of the programme

46-page pdf document which provides an overview “of the components of the Peace Education Programme and the implementation structure of the programme. It is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and from agencies who may be implementing education activities on behalf of the government …
The programme is currently being implemented in eleven countries in Africa and has been integrated into complementary programmes in Sri Lanka, Kosovo, and Pakistan. In these latter situations, training and initial materials were provided but the implementation costs were borne by the agencies concerned.”
Related to this overview are 15 pdf documents that make up the Peace Education Programme kit with individual entries in this catalog.