Educational integration measures in Hungary

19-slide Powerpoint presentation which examines measures taken by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities of the Republic of Hungary to improve the education of minorities, primarily Romani children.

Virginia Tech shooting: Lessons for dismantling norms about violence

10-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education, which “offers a Preliminary inquiry into pedagogical actions for addressing the intersections among gender, race, ethnicity, social class, mental illness, and violence, the limitations of the thinking that pervaded the recent public discourse on the Virginia Tech Shooting will be revealed and a responsive pedagogical action proposed.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Analytical review of selected peace education

271-page pdf document which “is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … this document presents a compilation of resource materials in peace education … the purpose is to give an overview of materials used by practitioners and provide references for those searching materials.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Facilitators manual for community workshops

118-page pdf manual which “is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … this manual is a guide to the way the course should be constructed, it gives activities and handouts as well as an idea of some information on the philosophy of peace education.”

Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Teacher activity book of secondary modules

36-page pdf manual which “is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … the teacher’s main resource it has a lesson-by-lesson curriculum for formal schooling structured according to the children’s cognitive and emotional development … these secondary modules are designed primarily for those students who have undertaken the Peace Education programme in Primary School, there may be specific lessons in the primary grades that adapt very well to the secondary situation, these should be used where appropriate, in addition there are some stories (and poetry) in the Story Book (part of the primary component) that may also be useful.”

Peer leadership: Helping youth become change agents in their schools and communities

63-page pdf guide which, “provides educators, law enforcement personnel, parents, and other family
and community members with information and resources for establishing peer leadership
programs in secondary schools and youth service organizations that give students the skills and
confidence to stand up for civility in their schools and communities and to become role models in confronting bias-motivated harassment.” Includes a list of a variety of peer leadership program models from around the country and bibliographical references.

Building community and combating hate: Lessons from the middle school classroom

65-page pdf document which, “includes a set of ten
lessons for middle school educators or youth service professionals to use within their existing curriculum.
The lessons reinforce concepts discussed throughout the Partners Against Hate publication Program Activity Guide: Helping Youth Resist Bias and Hate, 2nd edition. The lessons explore the following four themes that encourage individual and collective reflection, research, and action.” Includes bibliographical references.

Helping youth resist bias and hate: Program activity guide, second edition

104-page pdf guide which, “provides
parents, educators, and other adults working with middle school aged children with tools and strategies to engage in constructive discussions and activities about the causes and effects of prejudice and bias-motivated behavior and to intervene, when needed, with youth who engage in such behavior.” Includes bibliographical references.

Partners against hate program activity guide: Helping children resist bias and hate

120-page pdf guide which “provides parents, educators and other adults with tools and strategies to engage in constructive discussions and activities about the causes and effects of prejudice and bias-motivated behavior and to intervene, when needed, with children who engage in such behavior.” Includes twenty-eight activities and bibliographical references.

Slouching towards inclusion

Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 3, (May 2002), which discusses the need for diversity in the field of conflict resolution and examples of challenges and solutions when creating diversity within the conflict resolution team is a primary factor.

Managing interethnic relations manual

104-page manual whose purpose is to fill the informational and methodological gap in addressing interethnic relations, it also intends to combat the passive attitudes held by many regarding the improvement of interethnic relations in Georgia, the book is meant for all specialists working on the issue of interethnic relations or those intending to focus on it, includes bibliography.

International summit preconference reader, March 16th and 17th, 2007

Global Issues Resource Center, Office of Community Continuing Education at Cuyahoga Community College, the Organizational of American States, and the United Nations Development Program hosted State and International Conflict Resolution Education Policy Team Meetings. The purpose of the policy team meetings was to allow conflict resolution education and peace education practitioners and supporters to share insights and information about policy, infrastructure and research needs to promote conflict resolution education and peace education. Document contains meeting agendas, list of participants and conference attendees responses to questions for inclusion in the reader.


Powerpoint presentation discussing diversity.