183-page pdf manual which “provides an overview of the program, and instructs coordinators on the steps to setting up the program from start to finish, and the methods and expectations for training their mediators. The manual also provides an extensive lesson plan for training, as well as sample exercises and role-play scenarios.”
Peer leadership: Helping youth become change agents in their schools and communities
63-page pdf guide which, “provides educators, law enforcement personnel, parents, and other family
and community members with information and resources for establishing peer leadership
programs in secondary schools and youth service organizations that give students the skills and
confidence to stand up for civility in their schools and communities and to become role models in confronting bias-motivated harassment.” Includes a list of a variety of peer leadership program models from around the country and bibliographical references.
Conflict resolution and peer mediation, volume II: Middle and high school guide
62-page pdf guide used to teach conflict resolution and peer mediation in middle and high schools. With nine lesson plans on topics such as, “cultural characteristics,” “self-esteem,” “gender equity” and “introduction to mediation.” Includes bibliographical references.
Conflict resolution and peer mediation, volume II: Elementary school guide
52-page pdf guide used to teach conflict resolution and peer mediation in elementary schools. Includes 10 lesson plans covering topics such as “dealing with feelings,” “building self-esteem,” “exploring the issue of stereotypes” and “introducing peer mediation to students.” Includes bibliography.
Review of WANEP’S peace education programme
Pdf document which reviews a three-year pilot program, “to promote a culture of nonviolence among young people as a preventive measure against violent conflicts,” created by the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP).
Recommended standards for school-based peer mediation programs
Twenty-eight page document presenting standards for school-based peer mediation programs that are designed to enhance quality and stimulate thought among youth and adult participants in peer mediation programs. Aids in the creation and implementation of programs, designing curricula and evaluation procedures, funding and promoting programs, providing professional development and setting guidelines for research.
Models of Peer Mediation Reviewed
Tricia Jones from Temple University presents an overview of the various models of peer mediation being used. You can get a copy of the powerpoint slideshow she is referring to from our Catalog.
Conflict Resolution Education: A Guide to Implementing Programs in Schools, Youth-Serving Orgs
A manual in pdf format providing an overview of various models for conflict resolution education program implementation. The first chapter defines conflict as a natural condition and examines the origins of conflict, responses to conflict, and the outcomes of those responses. It introduces four approaches to implementing conflict resolution education. Each of the next four chapters discusses one of these approaches and presents examples of programs that use the approach. One chapter describes an approach to conflict resolution education characterized by devoting a specific time to teaching the foundation abilities, principles, and one or more of the problemsolving processes in a separate course or distinct curriculum. Another chapter describes an approach in which selected, trained individuals provide neutral third-party facilitation in conflict resolution. A chapter presents an approach that incorporates conflict resolution education into the core subject areas of the curriculum and into classroom management strategies, and another chapter presents a comprehensive whole-school methodology that builds on the previous approach. The next two chapters address conflict resolution education in settings other than traditional schools. The final three chapters address more overarching topics: conflict resolution research and evaluation; a developmental sequence of behavioral expectations in conflict resolution; and the process of developing, implementing, and sustaining a conflict resolution program.
Comprehensive peer mediation evaluation project: Insights and directions for curriculum integration
Pdf document which discusses the Comprehensive Peer Mediation Evaluation Project, conducted over a three year period. Written above title on document: NCIP (National Curriculum Integration Project).
International Conflict Resolution Education Summary Slideshow
Powerpoint presentation examining conflict resolution education activities around the globe.
Peer mediation
Powerpoint presentation introducing the concept of peer mediation.
World of CRE
Powerpoint presentation examining peer mediation.