Long-time conflict resolution educator Linda Lantieri speaks about the importance of building bridges between homes, educational institutions and community organizations in order to create caring learning environments for children and youth. She shares specific tools, strategies, inspirational stories, and a framework for supporting integrated peace education efforts in schools, families and community organizations. She will also share the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning’s work (CASEL), the nation’s leading organization advancing the development of academic, social and emotional competence for all students.
Cultural Sensitivity in Peace Education
Cultural sensitivity is helpful in building relationships and can be fun. Cultural sensitivity integrated into communication skills helps prevent identity-based conflicts – from interpersonal conflicts to national conflicts. Examples of how educators and facilitators can create a culturally sensitive curriculum will shared.
Conflict Resolution Skills for Youth and Adults – Incorporating Traditional Teaching and RJ
The Take Ten program – developed at the University of Notre Dame – began by teaching CRE skills to youth and has evolved to teach adults as well. Most recently, the program has returned to its Restorative Justice (RJ) roots to teach the curriculum in a Circles format and to lead participants in a truly restorative Circles experience. Participants will engage with the presenter in an authentic Circle process experience, demonstrating how the Take Ten curriculum is now available as a Circle event. As part of the discussion, programmatic evaluation results will be shared with participants.
Effective Ways to Motivate Change in Youth Using Restorative Justice Practices
This workshop looks at utilizing Peace Circles as a community-based endeavor grounded in the belief that communication is essential to fostering understanding among youth, law enforcement and neighbors. Peace Circles empowers communities and the people who are affected by crime to actively participate in the response to violence and social issues. In this way, Circles enhances the justice system by holding the offender accountable to the community in which he or she resides. This workshop will offer unique restorative approaches for participants serving our youth.
Field Services Arbitration Process: Building Stronger Teachers through Facilitated Dialogue
The Cleveland State University OFS Arbitration Process, utilized when a student intern faces conflict in their student teaching or other field experience, models conflict resolution and de-escalation of emotion by using evidence and tools to understand and dissect current situations in order to set actionable goals for growth and future direction. The process requires facilitators to be mindful of several factors including valuing dignity, developmental appropriateness for the learner, and seeing oneself as a teacher.
Online Peer Mediation Platform
Since the mid-1980s, peer mediation has been the most commonly used conflict resolution education program in the United States. Research indicates that as many as 25% of US schools have had peer mediation programs. However, three important changes in the educational and social context now suggest the need for an online version of peer mediation. These changes include the significant and increasing online public education, prevalence and preference for online communication, and the growing popularity of peer mediation across the globe.
Resources for Teaching about Peace and Conflict Resolution in Educational Settings
An introduction to a rich and still growing collection of open access instuctional materials related to peace and conflict resolution in educational settings. Explore some specialized teaching resources that have been made available via the grant-funded web clearinghouses Campus-adr.org (higher education focused, more than a decade old!) and CREducation.org (more recent, K-12 and CC focused). We also take a look at a free iPad app expressly designed to support conflict resolution and peace studies education. Presented by Bill Warters, creator of many of these resources.
Developing Courses in Peace and Conflict Studies
This case study reviewed the work done at Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology, Ontario, Canada developing a 2-year diploma program for college students in peace and conflict studies.
District-wide Conflict Resolution, Peer Mediation and Bullying Prevention Model- 30 years of Impact
Why did the Winning Against Violent Environments (WAVE) Program succeed as a district-wide program over the 30 years it has been in existence given the many obstacles that faced other programs? Information will be provided concerning: sustainability, the WAVE training model, cultural diversity, social justice, student empowerment, community connections and civic engagement. There will be a focus on how WAVE evolved in the school district working with parents, staff development, curriculum infusion, and antiviolence/bullying programs. Current WAVE staff, student and alumni mediators, the retired director and the professor who researched the program will present.
Experiential and Service-Learning Models for Undergraduate Conflict Resolution Education
The Undergraduate Experiential Learning Project: Curricular Innovation in Conflict Analysis and Resolution is a FIPSE project based at George Mason University. This workshop will present assessments and lessons learned from the project’s pilot initiatives: A series of experiential learning activities implemented in undergraduate courses and a five-week service-learning intensive that partnered US students with local peacebuilding initiatives in Liberia. Administrators, faculty and students are encouraged to attend the workshop, share ideas and reflect on areas of partnership and potential integration of experiential and service-learning approaches into Conflict Resolution curricula at their institutions.
School Conflict Management Training
The School Conflict Management Training will provide educators with an overview of the basic skills and knowledge of conflict education, classroom management, and social and emotional learning necessary for creating constructive, safe learning environments. The curriculum combines the best of theory and practice to enhance skills in conflict management and classroom management including communication, positive discipline, managing angry and disruptive students, and building classroom community. Participants will develop an action plan on how they will integrate these skills into their curriculum and consider how to integrate these concepts into their classroom management strategies.
School Conflict Management Programs help:
• Create a safe and supportive learning environment for staff, students and Parents
• Provide faculty and students with skills to reduce conflict at home and school
• Reduce discipline referrals
• Improve academic achievement
Fairfax County Public Schools Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation Training 2010
Slides from the Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation Training offered by the Fairfax County Public Schools Conflict Resolution and Mediation Services office. More information is available at http://www.fcps.edu/dss/ips/ssaw/ConflictResolution/index.htm