School Conflict Management Training

Presented by: Jennifer Batton, Director, Global Issues Resource Center, Cuyahoga Community College
Presented at: 33rd Annual International School Psychologist Association Conference, Vellore, India
Date of Session: July 19 – 23, 2011

Session Description: The School Conflict Management Training will provide educators with an overview of the basic skills and knowledge of conflict education, classroom management, and social and emotional learning necessary for creating constructive, safe learning environments. The curriculum combines the best of theory and practice to enhance skills in conflict management and classroom management including communication, positive discipline, managing angry and disruptive students, and building classroom community. Participants will develop an action plan on how they will integrate these skills into their curriculum and consider how to integrate these concepts into their classroom management strategies. School Conflict Management Programs help: • Create a safe and supportive learning environment for staff, students and Parents • Provide faculty and students with skills to reduce conflict at home and school • Reduce discipline referrals • Improve academic achievement