24 page program for the Inter-American summit on conflict resolution education, held in Cleveland, Ohio on March 14-15, 2007. Included in document is information on the planning committee, keynote speakers and course descriptions.
Conflict resolution education: The field, the findings and the future
Article on conflict resolution education, the programs (peer mediation, anti-bullying), research findings on CRE and the future of conflict resolution education, with bibliography, originally published in Conflict Resolution Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 1-2, Fall-Winter 2004.
Commentary considering conflict resolution education: Next steps for institutionalization
Commentary that suggests the process by which conflict resolution education can become institutionalized, with future research suggestions and a bibliography.
International Conflict Resolution Education Summary Slideshow
Powerpoint presentation examining conflict resolution education activities around the globe.
World of possibilities: conflict resolution education around the globe
Powerpoint presentation introducing conflict resolution education to a world wide audience.