Powerpoint presentation introducing second step, a program for elementary school children which develops skills in the areas of empathy, impulse control and anger management.
Behavior form
Word document form to be signed by teacher and student regarding student’s behavior during a particular incident.
What do third parties do
Word document introducing third party conflict resolution: mediation, facilitation and arbitration.
Acting-out behavior
Word document with assessment of behavior and strategies to deal with a student’s acting out.
Peer mediation
Powerpoint presentation introducing the concept of peer mediation.
Restorative justice programs in schools
Powerpoint presentation introducing the idea of restorative justice.
STOP: On-the-spot bullying intervention
Word document presenting actions and statements for on-the-spot intervention of bullying behavior.
Sample responses for using the “Teachable moment” for responding to bullying: On-the-spot interventi
Word document that describes different types of bullying behavior and situations, with suggested responses for educators.
Flirting or hurting
Pdf document presents a classroom activity to help define and give examples of flirting and sexual harassment.
Cyber bullying
Word document examining bullying in cyberspace, with advice to parents and young people from Aman Batheja.
Being an ally
Pdf document for students outlining steps and sample phrases to help diffuse bullying incidents.
What should I do if I’m bullied
Pdf document with advice to children who are bullied.
Warning signs that a child is being bullied
Pdf document illustrating behaviors that may alert parents of bullied children and steps they can take to correct the problem.
Misdirections in bullying prevention and intervention
Pdf document which discusses mistakes made in dealing with bullies and suggestions for alternative strategies.
How to intervene to stop bullying: tips for on-the-spot intervention at school
Pdf document with instruction on dealing with bullying at school, how to intervene and follow-up procedures.