International Peace Research Association (IPRA)

Type of Organization: Governmental

Home Country: Belgium


International Peace Research Association (IPRA)
Our Association was founded in 1964, and since then it has vigorously promoted peace research and peace education. With over 1300 members from some 90 countries, IPRA is the most respected scholarly association in this field. IPRA has links with more than 200 research institutions and is a member of the International Social Science Council. In 1989, IPRA received the UNESCO prize for Peace Education. IPRA has five regional associations: Asia-Pacific Peace Research Association (APPRA), Africa Peace Research and Education Association (AFPREA), European Peace Research Association (EUPRA), Latin American Peace Research Association (CLAIP) and Peace and Justice Association (North America).
If you are not a member of our organization, we urge you to join and enjoy the benefits from the following range of activities and services:
CONFERENCES. The association’s bi-annual conference is a major international event, including approximately 90 panel sessions and involving participants from more than 50 countries. Recent conferences were held in Australia, South Africa, Finland, Korea and Hungary. The next conference “Patterns of Conflict: Paths to Peace” will take place in 2006, in Calgary, Canada. The regional associations organize their own conventions.

PUBLICATIONS. IPRA sponsors journals of the highest quality in peace research and peace education: The International Journal of Peace Studies (IJPS) provides a peer reviewed outlets for the best in our field of research. A free subscription to IJPS is included in your IPRA membership. In addition, our electronic newsletter and the IPRA News web page strive to bring news about the field and practitioners to the members. Finally, the IPRA webpage intends to provide useful information (databanks, addresses of research institutions and education-training programs) for peace researchers.

BUILDING COMMUNITIES OF INQUIRY. In order to develop better cooperation between scholars, decision-makers and practitioners interdisciplinary commissions exist. Each commission has its own officers. The activities include organizing panels and stimulating communication among interested peace researchers through meetings, publications, and occasional papers. Some regional associations and commissions hold annual meetings. Members of IPRA can also choose to affiliate with a geographic region.
Membership in IPRA will benefit scholars, practitioners and students of peace research conflict transformation and peace building.

Contact Information

Name: International Peace Research Association (IPRA)
Type: Governmental

Parkstraat 45, bus 3602
3000 Leuven,

Voice Phone: +32 16 323241 (Telephone)

Fax: +32 16 323088 (Fax)

Contact person: IPRA Secretariat, K.U. Leuven, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies