Save the Children
Type of Organization: Non-governmental - Non-Profit
Home Country: Multi-National

Save the Children is the world’s largest independent organisation for children, making a difference to children’s lives in over 120 countries.
From emergency relief to long-term development, Save the Children helps children to achieve a happy, healthy and secure childhood. Save the Children listens to children, involves children and ensures their views are taken into account. Save the Children secures and protects children’s rights – to food, shelter, health care, education and freedom from violence, abuse and exploitation.
Save the Children campaigns for long-term change in addition to providing shorter-term support to improve children’s lives.
As an independent and global organisation, Save the Children has a powerful voice in campaigning for change, and a track record of success.
Save the Children encourages its supporters to put pressure on decision makers and opinion formers to change policies and practices, locally and globally, to ensure children’s rights become reality.
Rewrite the Future is the first global campaign involving all 27 members of the Save the Children Alliance. Save the Children is calling on governments and international agencies to put policies and resources in place to provide quality education for all children. More than 37 million children around the world can’t go to school because they live in countries affected by conflict. This is over half the number of children out of school worldwide. Millions more are receiving a substandard education.
Through this campaign we intend to bring education and hope to those millions of children affected by conflict.
Contact Information
Name: Save the Children
Type: Non-governmental - Non-Profit
International Save the Children Alliance Secretariat
100 Cambridge Grove
Second Floor, Cambridge House
W6 0LE
Voice Phone: +44 208 748 2554 +44 208 748 2554
Fax: +44 208 237 8000
Contact person: Secretariat
Contact email: