The Organization of American States

Type of Organization: Intergovernmental

Home Country: United States


The Organization of American States – Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices
The Department of Education and Culture supports the efforts of Member States to improve the quality and equity of education and to enhance and highlight the contribution of their diverse cultures to economic, social, and human development.

Adopted at the IV Inter-American Meeting of the Ministers of Education on August 12, 2005, the Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices aims to promote a democratic culture through education by encouraging research, professional development and educational resources, and information exchange throughout the Americas . The Inter-American Program supports and builds upon significant ongoing local, national and international efforts in formal and non-formal education for democracy.

The Inter-American Program on Education for Democratic Values and Practices has three components:
• Research and analysis on the promotion of a democratic culture through education, both formal and non-formal.
• Professional development and educational resources including pedagogic methodologies, curriculum, materials and techniques to assist in the teaching, training and learning of democratic values and practices, both in and outside of the school system.
• Cooperation and information exchange between different international, national, and local institutions and actors working at different levels in the field of formal and non-formal education for democratic values and practices, encouraging linkages where appropriate between formal and non-formal education sectors.

The 2006-2007 Work Plan of the Inter-American Program is currently being prepared by the OAS based on the recommendations of an Advisory Board of international experts. Program activities will include a hemispheric database of existing programs and exchange mechanisms, a scholarly journal, training courses, and an interactive web portal.
Interested institutions and agencies are encouraged to join this hemispheric alliance by contacting Inter-American’s technical secretariat at the OAS.

Contact Information

Name: Organization of American States
Type: Intergovernmental

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