This is a briefly annotated list of international education-related materials available via the web that have been shared with the staff at the Global Issues Resource Center at Cuyahoga Community College, hosts of the International CRE Summits held in Ohio. Compiled in the Spring of 2010.
Peer mediation, conflict resolution, violence prevention and safe schools, 1986-2001
25-page PDF bibliography of resources on the topics of peer mediation, conflict resolution, violence prevention, and safe schools.
GIRC Annotated Bibliography of Conflict Resolution Resources
An annotated bibliography from the Global Issues Resource Center on conflict resolution resources covering the topics of bullying prevention, classroom management, and trauma & violence prevention. Includes books, curricula, videotapes, simulations and games.
Teaching about peace through children’s literature
16-page PDF article in which author, Stan Steiner discusses teaching about peace and conflict resolution using children’s literature. He believes that the instructor should: have more books than readers, have a wide variety of books in terms of level of difficulty, length and points of view and make sure that readers consume a number of books. Steiner mentions small group discussions vs large group discussions, providing readers with open ended questions prior to reading assignments and being open to differing points of view. The article concludes with a 10-page bibliography.
Lessons and activities for Florida’s fourth annual mediation celebration
41-page pdf manual which can be used “as a general guide to activities that can be easily incorporated in your classroom to make everyone aware of measures that help ensure peaceful schools … mediation skills and other methods of conflict resolution are life-long skills that help promote positive interactions among all people … the intention of this booklet is to help peak your interest and awareness in the area of mediation, and let you see how easily and subtly these concepts can be integrated into the existing curriculum.” Includes bibliography.
Induction pack for tutors of citizenship education: Global conflict
29-page pdf packet to help trainees “understand the nature of global conflict, understand how issues of global conflict relate to citizenship and use issues of global conflict in their teaching in secondary schools.” Includes bibliography.
Teacher development for conflict participation: Facilitating learning for “difficult citizenship”
15-page pdf article which “examines the professional development-related opportunities available to teachers to support their facilitation and teaching for peacebuilding citizenship, the few teacher learning opportunities offered seem unlikely to enhance teachers’ capacity to foster diverse students’ development of agency for difficult citizenship, much of the explicit professional development available in the schools examined emphasizes teachers’ control of students and containment of disruption (peacekeeping), instead of their facilitation of diverse students’ participation in constructive conflict management (peacemaking and peacebuilding), professional learning opportunities are often relegated to short, fragmented occasions, primarily during teachers’ volunteer time after school: this severely limits their potential to foster critical dialogic learning on the difficult issues of citizenship education practice.” Includes bibliography.
Teaching conflict and conflict resolution in school: (Extra-) curricular considerations
Report that explored “the school factors that influence young people’s developing understandings of war, conflict, and peace … as children grow, they develop understandings about interpersonal and social conflict, about procedures for handling it, and about the violence and war that may emerge when conflicts are not resolved, in school, official curricula guide children’s and adolescents’ development of understanding about war, conflict and peace, at least as powerfully, young people also learn about conflict from the implicit curricula of student activities, teacher and peer responses to political events, school governance, and discipline practices.”
Role of conflict/conflict resolution in anti-racism education curriculum
Essay which “examine[s] the role of conflict and conflict resolution in antiracism education curriculum in school settings, the role of explicit antiracist curriculum in facilitating questioning, talk back, rethinking, positive conflict, and re-evaluating, are important conditions in teaching for equity and social justice, the impact of how the curriculum is used will also be analysed and explored throughout this paper.” Includes bibliographical references.
Managing and resolving conflicts effectively in schools and classrooms
A multipart learning module developed by the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Drug Prevention and School Safety Coordinators which contains a five-day curriculum which providing educators and administrators with the skills and techniques to manage and eventually reduce conflict in schools. Day 1 addresses conflict and conflict management in education, day 2 presents curriculum infusion and peer mediation, day 3 introduces the peaceable school and classroom, day 4 presents best practices in conflict resolution education and day 5 helps educators develop a conflict management plan. Includes annotated bibliography and list of CRE organizations and programs.
Conflict management
Website “developed to provide an introduction to the study of conflict management, based on research in this field,” the site includes information on the nature of conflict and it’s key elements, why the study of conflict is important, as well as the skills necessary for conflict managers. Included on the website is a self-test to check your understanding of conflict management and a resource list.
Conflict resolution and peace education policy examples: Resource pack developed for the Balkan
24-page pdf resource book developed for the Balkan Regional Conference on Peace Education and Conflict Resolution in Schools. Includes 7 page list of policy documents for peace education as well as evaluations of peace education programs, a review of literature and the status of research into peace education and a look at the different pedagogical traditions in different areas of the world.
Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Analytical review of selected peace education
271-page pdf document which “is one of the components of the Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … this document presents a compilation of resource materials in peace education … the purpose is to give an overview of materials used by practitioners and provide references for those searching materials.”
Peace and conflict resolution education at schools of Shirak Region (Armenia): Final report
Report presents the experience stored up in Armenia in the field of peace education, gained successes, educational course developed by the authors, opinions of the beneficiaries and policy makers in the area of education to integrate the training course into school curriculum, future strategy, etc. Report was developed for the First UNESCO/EURED In-Service Teacher Training Course “Human Rights and Peace Education in Europe” 2004-2006. Authors are members of Women for Development NGO. Includes bibliography.
Conflict Resolution Education: An Annotated Bibliography
Online version of an annotated bibliography of research articles, chapters and books related to conflict resolution education.