Pdf document for students outlining steps and sample phrases to help diffuse bullying incidents.
Assessing the status of your school’s comprehensive bullying prevention plan
Pdf document which presents a series of questions to help educators determine the status of bullying programs, based on Dan Olweus’s, “Bullying prevention program.”
What we know about bullying
Pdf document with information on bullying.
What should I do if I’m bullied
Pdf document with advice to children who are bullied.
Warning signs that a child is being bullied
Pdf document illustrating behaviors that may alert parents of bullied children and steps they can take to correct the problem.
State laws related to bullying among children and youth
Pdf document presenting information on state laws that deal with bullying.
Misdirections in bullying prevention and intervention
Pdf document which discusses mistakes made in dealing with bullies and suggestions for alternative strategies.
How to intervene to stop bullying: tips for on-the-spot intervention at school
Pdf document with instruction on dealing with bullying at school, how to intervene and follow-up procedures.
Bullying in out-of-school time programs: tips for youth-serving professionals and volunteers
Pdf document that examines bullying in extracurricular activities with tips for professionals and volunteers.
How to talk to educators at your child’s school about bullying: tips for parents of bullied children
Pdf document that helps parents of bullied children address issues with educators.
Research-based books and articles on bullying and peer victimization
Pdf document presents list of books and articles on bullying and peer victimization.
Understanding bullying within the camp setting: tips for parents
Pdf document for parents about bullying in the camp setting.
Working with young people who bully others: tips for mental health professionals
Pdf document with tips for mental health workers who treat bullies.
Working with young people who are bullied: tips for mental health professionals
Pdf document with tips for mental health workers who treat bullied youth.
Community-based bullying prevention: tips for community members
Pdf document, geared toward community members, discussing bullying prevention.