Powerpoint presentation introducing the concept of face, or the social role identities that people adopt and want respected. The idea of “face saving” in conflict resolution is discussed.
Defensive communication
Powerpoint presentation introducing defensive communication vs. supportive communication and the climate each strategy can create.
Pre-Service School Administrator Curriculum
A 179-page pdf document containing a five module curriculum designed to enable administrators to examine conflict and better understand the process of conflict management. It serves as a companion curriculum to the Center for the Prevention of School Violence’s “Reach In, Reach Out, Reach Over Conflict Management Curriculum” and provides information on building a foundation of support for teachers and students in conflict management and extending that support throughout entire schools.
Pre-Service Teacher Curriculum
A 247-page pdf document containing a four module curriculum designed to provide pre-service teachers opportunities for analyzing the impact of self as an individual teacher in the classroom. This includes information on pursuing self- assessment, developing communication skills through active and reflective listening, rapport, and trust building, and defining the processes used in managing conflict. The curriculum is also designed to help pre-service teachers identify and strengthen skills used in effective communication to better manage conflicts, especially those in classrooms. Finally, the curriculum is intended to assist pre-service teachers with skills that will be developed through the use of conflict management strategies.
Marital and partnership communication
Powerpoint presentation discussing communication in relationships: including gender differences, nonverbal communication, marital communication, marital conflict and domestic violence.
Communication for competency
Word document exploring nonverbal and verbal communication with emphasis on direct and indirect language, with exercises.
Role play for nonverbal involvement activity
Word document presenting a role play exercise in nonverbal communication.
Core nonverbal communication concepts
Twenty-six page training packet exploring nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal communication and conflict: It’s not what you say that counts
Powerpoint presentation exploring nonverbal communication and conflict for children. Introduces PIE in the SKY idea, which stands for Sending and receiving messages of Power, Involvement, and Emotion: Skills and Knowledge for our Youth.
Name that emotion
Word document that presents an exercise to identify emotions as people act them out without words or sound.
Interpersonal skills for dealing with conflict: Respect and support in action
Powerpoint presentation introducing interpersonal skills proven successful in dealing with conflict.
Iconic communication activity
Word document which presents iconic communication activity taken from M. Remland’s, “Gesture and Movement as Iconic Communication Activity.”
CRETE dialogue, day 4
Powerpoint presentation on the art of dialogue.
Communication and culture
Word document discussing communication cues.
Conversation buddies
One page conversation sign up sheet.