9-page pdf paper “written specifically for trainee teachers of citizenship education, it is one of a series of papers that explores the theme of “conflictâ€; this one specifically addressing the issues relating to “resolving conflict between individuals,†the paper aims to help the reader learn more about conflict and to identify the learning opportunities that arise for exploring the issue with young people through citizenship education, using classroom and wider school based activities as well as a community focus.”
Teaching about conflict through citizenship education
18-page pdf article which examined “Through interviews and observations in case study primary and secondary schools in the West Midlands, we therefore explored what was understood by this notion of global citizenship, and under this umbrella, what it was that students and teachers thought should be learned, we found that the most outstanding concern for students was war and conflict – and in the current context, not just historically, after giving some detail of these concerns, this paper attempts to develop a typology of different ways that schools teach about conflict before making more general arguments about the importance of peace education within a citizenship education framework and the role of teachers in tackling both difference and indifference.”
Teacher development for conflict participation: Facilitating learning for “difficult citizenship”
15-page pdf article which “examines the professional development-related opportunities available to teachers to support their facilitation and teaching for peacebuilding citizenship, the few teacher learning opportunities offered seem unlikely to enhance teachers’ capacity to foster diverse students’ development of agency for difficult citizenship, much of the explicit professional development available in the schools examined emphasizes teachers’ control of students and containment of disruption (peacekeeping), instead of their facilitation of diverse students’ participation in constructive conflict management (peacemaking and peacebuilding), professional learning opportunities are often relegated to short, fragmented occasions, primarily during teachers’ volunteer time after school: this severely limits their potential to foster critical dialogic learning on the difficult issues of citizenship education practice.” Includes bibliography.
Teaching conflict and conflict resolution in school: (Extra-) curricular considerations
Report that explored “the school factors that influence young people’s developing understandings of war, conflict, and peace … as children grow, they develop understandings about interpersonal and social conflict, about procedures for handling it, and about the violence and war that may emerge when conflicts are not resolved, in school, official curricula guide children’s and adolescents’ development of understanding about war, conflict and peace, at least as powerfully, young people also learn about conflict from the implicit curricula of student activities, teacher and peer responses to political events, school governance, and discipline practices.”
Role of conflict/conflict resolution in anti-racism education curriculum
Essay which “examine[s] the role of conflict and conflict resolution in antiracism education curriculum in school settings, the role of explicit antiracist curriculum in facilitating questioning, talk back, rethinking, positive conflict, and re-evaluating, are important conditions in teaching for equity and social justice, the impact of how the curriculum is used will also be analysed and explored throughout this paper.” Includes bibliographical references.
Managing and resolving conflicts effectively in schools and classrooms
A multipart learning module developed by the National Training and Technical Assistance Center for Drug Prevention and School Safety Coordinators which contains a five-day curriculum which providing educators and administrators with the skills and techniques to manage and eventually reduce conflict in schools. Day 1 addresses conflict and conflict management in education, day 2 presents curriculum infusion and peer mediation, day 3 introduces the peaceable school and classroom, day 4 presents best practices in conflict resolution education and day 5 helps educators develop a conflict management plan. Includes annotated bibliography and list of CRE organizations and programs.
Non-violence in education
79-page pdf manuscript published in cooperation with Institut de Recherche sur la Resolution Non-Violente des Conflits (IRNC), of which the author says, “These pages do not claim that merely placing the principle of non-violence at the heart of the educational project could be enough to solve them with ease. It is not our intention to teach teachers how to do their job. Our only aim is to urge them to look at their daily practices in the light of the principles and methods of non-violence. Perhaps we can all agree that when non-violence is possible, it is preferable. If so, and if non-violence is preferable, then it is up to us to do everything we can to make it possible. This study does not claim to be offering anything other than an exploration of the possibilities of non-violence.” English translation of original French work.
Conflict resolution and peace education policy examples: Resource pack developed for the Balkan
24-page pdf resource book developed for the Balkan Regional Conference on Peace Education and Conflict Resolution in Schools. Includes 7 page list of policy documents for peace education as well as evaluations of peace education programs, a review of literature and the status of research into peace education and a look at the different pedagogical traditions in different areas of the world.
Educational integration measures in Hungary
19-slide Powerpoint presentation which examines measures taken by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Rights of National and Ethnic Minorities of the Republic of Hungary to improve the education of minorities, primarily Romani children.
Tolerance Stories Booklet
55-page collection of stories, “to teach tolerance because stories are the first and most enduring literary form and they have the power to shape people’s understanding of the world and to change their lives … it is our hope that this resource booklet will facilitate educators in elementary and secondary schools to introduce discussions of tolerance by supplying a wide array of narratives that illustrate principles of tolerance, and by so doing, enable their students to be leaders of tolerance in their homes, neighborhoods, and communities.”
Conflict resolution education and peace education: Proven impacts
25-slide Powerpoint presentation which presents a “review of research examining the impact of conflict resolution education and peace education in schools.”
World of possibilities: CRE and peace education around the globe, A
34-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which “presents summaries of several important activities related to global expansion of conflict resolution education and peace education.”
Making class matter and engaging difference
42-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which “explore[d] ways to make ideas relevant and memorable so students take the ideas home and apply them to their every day lives, examples will include exercises on how to understand and engage difference well.”
Peer mediation partnerships: Linking university with community
22-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Sustaining Conflict Resolution Education: Building Bridges to the Future conference in Fairfax, VA, which highlighted “best practices pertaining to peer mediation partnership initiatives between undergraduates and high school peer mediation programs … issues addressed include[d] team-building and motivation, skills-sharing and training, program assessment, and leadership and guidance.”
Eight ways to connect with global CR education via creducation.org
46-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Youth and Conflict: Global Challenges – Local Strategies held in Cleveland, Ohio, which “introduces various ways that organizations and individuals working around the world on conflict resolution education and peace education can share their ideas and materials with a larger audience, the focus is on ways to contribute to the Conflict Resolution Education Connection located online at www.creducation.org.”