40-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education outlining a program running in Armenia for six years in which, “Teachers and school children received special training and conducted peer-to-peer education for approximately 590 pupils from 29 classes in 10 schools, after the peer-to-peer education, the evaluation showed the effectiveness of using this process to teach CR skills.”
Lessons for helping students develop emotional awareness to support CRE
20-page Powerpoint presentation given at the Second International Summit on Conflict Resolution education, in which “participants will learn multiple, developmentally appropriate, lowcost activities that can be used in classroom or counseling settings to develop emotion foundation abilities, in students grades K-8, adaptations that would suit students with cognitive, behavioral and emotional challenges.”
Inter-agency P.E.P.:Skills for constructive living: Manual for training of facilitators I
59-page pdf manual which is one of the components of the “Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme, the programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government … the manual looks at the skills required to develop effective facilitation of adult learners, these skills are useful not just for a Peace Education programme but also for all aspects of the professional life of the people with whom you are working.”
Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Background notes for facilitators
37-page pdf summary of the major points covered in the training sessions to be used as a reference. This manual is “of the components of the “Inter-Agency Peace Education Programme”. The programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activities on behalf of the government.”
Inter-agency P.E.P.: Skills for constructive living: Facilitators and trainers training guide
13-page pdf manual which is “one of the components of the “Inter-agency Peace Education Programme.” “The programme is designed for education managers of ministries dealing with both formal and non-formal education and for agencies which implement education activies on behalf of the government … This training guide in peace education is divided into four areas: content, method, environment (both physical and psychological) and output (or product). Often method and psychological are dealt with together as there is overlap.”
Participation & involvement: A community college transforms its culture
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 6, Number 1, (Nov 2005), which describes the key details of a two-day performance-based training program designed to teach observable skills in conflict resolution and group process to employees of Lane Community College, as well as the results and outcomes. Includes bibliography.
Multi-party roommate conflict
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 5, Number 1, (Sept 2004), which presents a “roleplay for a graduate course in interpersonal and small group conflict resolution, while it could be used for a mediation roleplay, it’s written to be a 4-5 person small group conflict with no formal, outside intervenor, the expectation is that students can represent the characters and still demonstrate conflict resolution skills.”
Promoting better resolution of conflict with “learn for free!”
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 5, Number 1, (Sept 2004), which presents a project at Dalhousie University College of Continuing Education in Halifax, Nova Scotia called “Learn for Free! … a day of one-hour sessions — each of which provides a glimpse into the content of our workshops, the expertise of our instructors, and the skills we seek to develop, the objectives of Learn for Free! are to expand our reach with an alternative approach to handling conflict, to boost our profile within the community, to provide a service to the community in which we live, and to attract new workshop registrants.”
Conflict resolution, negotiation & team building: Reviewing an impossible course that worked
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 5, Number 1, (Sept 2004), which presents the story of a “course teaching dispute resolution, negotiation and team building (ACS 201: Dispute Resolution and Team Building) [which] was designed to fit into the program’s first year curriculum, this essay reviews the nature of the course and in some detail the student response to it.” The course was taught at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario.
Graduate peace & conflict studies programs: reconsidering their problems & prospects
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 5, Number 1, (Sept 2004), which discusses the proliferation of graduate coursework in peace and conflict studies to, “consider how peace and conflict type programs are created and developed, reflect on their prospects and problems, and introduce topics that I believe
will have to be dealt with in the future.”
Preparing pre-service educators to break up fights — before they happen
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 4, Number 1, (Oct. 2003), which discusses a project by the North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention — Center for the Prevention of School Violence (DJJDP Center), to prepare future teachers to effectively manage conflict.
Teaching and learning in circle
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 2, (February 2003), which “explores the impact of teaching using a circle format, both at the high school and college level.”
Grasping the nettle: Policy issues for university dispute resolution programs
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 4, (July 2002), which discusses issues and challenges in conflict resolution education at the university level.
New directions and issues in the teaching of conflict resolution
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 2, (Feb 2002), which “explores the issues related to understanding the effectiveness of the process and content of conflict resolution (specifically negotiation) teaching and training, it asks whether or not the right approach to training is being used and if the training “sticks,” it also questions how the content of the field is evolving and if teaching methods are tracking the evolution.” Includes bibliography.
Collaboration and conflict resolution skills: A core academic competency?
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 1, Number 4, (Nov/Dec 2000), examines “an innovative program at California State University Monterey Bay [which] has incorporated conflict resolution as one of the program’s 11 Major Learning Objectives that students must know and understand in order to graduate.”