Presentation of the status of conflict resolution education in the state of Iowa.
El manejo y la resolución de conflictos. Una competencia para la vida en la educación básica.
Spanish langage presentation of the value of teaching conflict resolution education in schools.
Management and resolution of conflicts: An essential competence for life in basic education
Presentation of the value of teaching conflict resolution education in schools.
Summit report California overview
Presentation of a school and law enforcement partnership between the Superintendent of Public Schools in California and the Attorney General of California to encourage school districts, county offices of education, law enforcement agencies and youth services agencies to develop programs and activities to improve school attendance and aid in the reduction of school crime and violence.
Peace and conflict resolution education at schools of Shirak Region (Armenia): Final report
Report presents the experience stored up in Armenia in the field of peace education, gained successes, educational course developed by the authors, opinions of the beneficiaries and policy makers in the area of education to integrate the training course into school curriculum, future strategy, etc. Report was developed for the First UNESCO/EURED In-Service Teacher Training Course “Human Rights and Peace Education in Europe” 2004-2006. Authors are members of Women for Development NGO. Includes bibliography.
Evaluating Your Conflict Resolution Education Program: A Guide for Educators and Evaluators
This 258-page pdf manual is intended to help educators and/or evaluators conduct evaluations of their conflict resolution education programs. Because much of the funding from the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management and the Ohio Department of Education supports school programs, most attention was placed on helping users evaluate these kinds of programs. The manual was prepared as a workbook so that it should be easy to use. Worksheets are included throughout the beginning parts of the manual to help users identify the program goals and evaluation goals they want to emphasize. When offered, questionnaires and interview questions are presented so that the user can simply copy the forms from the book and use them in a school.
Comprehensive peer mediation evaluation project: Insights and directions for curriculum integration
Pdf document which discusses the Comprehensive Peer Mediation Evaluation Project, conducted over a three year period. Written above title on document: NCIP (National Curriculum Integration Project).
Managing conflict at school: Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management in the US
Fifth online chapter from, “Education That Makes a Difference: Success Stories for Conflict Resolution Educators,” presents the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management a leader in the United States of school-based conflict resolution education. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
Committed to building peace: The City Montessori School in India
Third online chapter from, “Education That Makes a Difference: Success Stories for Conflict Resolution Educators,” describes the City Montessori School in Lucknow, India. CMS is the largest private school in the world and is dedicated to teaching peace education. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
Food, education, and peacebuilding: Children’s learning services in Sierra Leone
Second online chapter from “Education That Makes a Difference: Success Stories for Conflict Resolution Educators,” dealing with the Children’s Learning Services established in Sierre Leone. Since 2001 CLS has mobilized volunteers and practitioners in peacebuilding, quality basic education, and nutrition security in and out of school. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)
Education that makes a difference: Success stories for conflict resolution educators
Online version of an introductory chapter to conflict resolution education and peace studies, with challenges to successful programs, information about Peace Boat (a program for students), best practices, a bibliography and resource list. Original Source: Chapter 11 from People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society (Project of the European Centre for Conflict Prevention) by Paul Van Tongeren, Malin Brenk, Marte Hellema, and Juliette Verhoeven (Eds), Lynne Rienner Publishers (2005)