Kids Working It Out Resource Appendix

A listing of books, publications and websites provided in the appendix to Tricia S. Jones and Randy O. Compton (Eds.) 2003 book Kids Working It Out: Stories and Strategies for Making Peace in Our Schools.

Managing interethnic relations manual

104-page manual whose purpose is to fill the informational and methodological gap in addressing interethnic relations, it also intends to combat the passive attitudes held by many regarding the improvement of interethnic relations in Georgia, the book is meant for all specialists working on the issue of interethnic relations or those intending to focus on it, includes bibliography.

Flash judgements

Pdf document with exercise related to forming judgements based on appearance.

Culture map exercise

Word document exercise in mapping various cultures that one belongs to and the conflicts between them.

Maligned wolf

Pdf document that uses the telling of “Little Red Riding Hood” and “The Maligned Wolf” to help children (grades K-8) see both sides of every story.