This 121-page literature and resource review was developed in 2004 and 2005 by the CRANE (Conflict Resolution, Arts and iNtercultural Experience) project at the University of British Columbia. The materials are clustered around the 4 broad themes of global change, innovations in conflict resolution theory and practice, growth and development of arts-based approaches and application of arts-based approaches to conflict resolution across cultures.
Multiple Responses, Promising Results: Evidence-Based, Nonpunitive Alternatives To Zero Tolerance
Research brief by Child Trends that finds that zero tolerance school discipline policies have not been proven effective by research and may have negative effects, making students more likely to drop out and less likely to graduate on time. Instead, the brief recommends the use of nonpunitive disciplinary action, such as behavior interventions, social skills classes, and character education.
Does Conflict Resolution Education Reduce Antisocial Behaviors in Schools? – Evidence Says Yes!
One page summary of meta-analysis that examines more than 25 years of evidence to determine whether participation in CRE contributes to reduced antisocial behaviors in K-12 schools, and if so, whether the effects differ by age groups or have practical significance.
Social and Emotional Learning and Bullying Prevention
21-page briefing paper prepared for the National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
(CASEL) and the Social and Emotional Learning Research Group at the University of
Illinois at Chicago. “Schools using a social and emotional learning (SEL) framework can foster an overall climate of inclusion, warmth, and respect, and promote the development of core social and emotional skills among both students and staff. Because bullying prevention is entirely congruent with SEL, it can be embedded in a school’s SEL framework. The aims of this brief are to (a) provide a basic description of a school-wide SEL framework, (b) illustrate the relationship between social and emotional factors and bullying, and (c) explain how an SEL framework can be extended to include bullying prevention.”
Class Meetings as a Tool for Classroom Management and Character Development: An Annotated Bib
Classroom management literature emphasizes non-punitive methods of managing a classroom of students, suggesting that democratic class meetings are an important or central element to developing student character. Class meetings are presented as a method of teaching children problem solving skills, conflict resolution, and a means for encouraging character education through intrinsic motivation and self regulation in academics and behavior. This annotated bibliography presents a list of resources for teachers seeking ways to increase character education through classroom management techniques. (Contains 1 note and 19 references.)
Cyberconflict: The role of email communication
Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 2, (February 2003), discusses email communication and its relationship to conflict.
Conflict Resolution Education: An Annotated Bibliography
Online version of an annotated bibliography of research articles, chapters and books related to conflict resolution education.