Teacher development for conflict participation: Facilitating learning for “difficult citizenship”
Teacher development for conflict participation: Facilitating learning for "difficult citizenship"
15-page pdf article which “examines the professional development-related opportunities available to teachers to support their facilitation and teaching for peacebuilding citizenship, the few teacher learning opportunities offered seem unlikely to enhance teachers’ capacity to foster diverse students’ development of agency for difficult citizenship, much of the explicit professional development available in the schools examined emphasizes teachers’ control of students and containment of disruption (peacekeeping), instead of their facilitation of diverse students’ participation in constructive conflict management (peacemaking and peacebuilding), professional learning opportunities are often relegated to short, fragmented occasions, primarily during teachers’ volunteer time after school: this severely limits their potential to foster critical dialogic learning on the difficult issues of citizenship education practice.” Includes bibliography.
- Format: pdf
- Publisher: Citized - International Journal of Citizenship and Teacher Education
- Author: Kathy Bickmore
- Resource Release Date: 01/01/2005
- Topics:
- Subjects:
- Direct Access: Click Here