Peace lessons from around the world
Peace lessons from around the world
144-page pdf educational resource for primary and secondary students providing 16 lessons based on the four strands of the “Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century [which] comprises fifty proposals for actions and policies, which taken together, could move the world toward the end of war and the beginning of a culture of peace.” The strands are: Roots of War/Culture of Peace; International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law; Prevention, Resolution and Transformation of Violent Conflict and Disarmament and Security. The lessons come from Albania, Cambodia, Philippines, Kenya, India, Nepal, US, Catalunya (Spain) and South Africa. There is also a forword by South Africa’s former Minister for Education, Kader Asmal, a lesson on how to create your own peace lesson by Prof. Betty Reardon, and pages of helpful resources. Hard copies can be ordered via
- Format: pdf
- Publisher: Hague Appeal for Peace
- Author: Andrea S. Libresco, Jeannette Balantic
- Resource Release Date: 05/04/2008
- Topics:
- Subjects:
- Direct Access: Click Here