Conflict Resolution Education Connection teacher’s calendar 2009-2010
Conflict Resolution Education Connection teacher's calendar 2009-2010
24-page pdf calendar created by the Conflict Resolution Education for Teacher Education (CRETE) Connection Project and the Association for Conflict Resolution Education Section. “The calendar, designed to be hung by a teacherÌ¢âÂã¢s desk, provides short takes on CRE tools each month along with corresponding Special Days related to conflict resolution or peacemaking, CRE catalog resources, online links to the CRE website and other great collections of classroom activities and professional development tools. The calendar skips the summer and ends with the month of September to welcome folks back to the new school year!”
- Format:
- Author: Association for Conflict Resolution, Conflict Resolution Education for Teacher Education (CRETE) Connection Project
- Resource Release Date: 1/1/09
- Topics:
- Subjects:
- Direct Access: Click Here