Non-Violent Conflict Management: Conflict Resolution, Dealing with Anger, Negotiation and Mediation
Non-Violent Conflict Management: Conflict Resolution, Dealing with Anger, Negotiation and Mediation
This 95-page pdf training guide is designed to support the development of conflict resolution skills for people involved in social work activities. “This module teaches conflict management through a combination of skill-building and philosophical discussion to enable participants to become invested in the idea that non-violent conflict management is better, more effective, and more efficacious in the long run than either conflict avoidance, or an aggressive approach that produces ‘winners’ and ‘losers.’ The material can be presented in training sessions of varying lengths from one class to an entire semester. The author recommends separating the three modules over time to allow time for integration of skills.”
- Format: pdf
- Publisher: California Social Work Education Center
- Author: Susan Rice
- Resource Release Date: 01/01/2000
- Topics:
- Subjects:
- Direct Access: Click Here