Pdf document that compares and contrasts Social and emotional learning programs to Conflict resolution education, with bibliography. Part of the results of the National Curriculum Integration Project.
Pre-Service School Administrator Curriculum
A 179-page pdf document containing a five module curriculum designed to enable administrators to examine conflict and better understand the process of conflict management. It serves as a companion curriculum to the Center for the Prevention of School Violence’s “Reach In, Reach Out, Reach Over Conflict Management Curriculum” and provides information on building a foundation of support for teachers and students in conflict management and extending that support throughout entire schools.
Pre-Service Teacher Curriculum
A 247-page pdf document containing a four module curriculum designed to provide pre-service teachers opportunities for analyzing the impact of self as an individual teacher in the classroom. This includes information on pursuing self- assessment, developing communication skills through active and reflective listening, rapport, and trust building, and defining the processes used in managing conflict. The curriculum is also designed to help pre-service teachers identify and strengthen skills used in effective communication to better manage conflicts, especially those in classrooms. Finally, the curriculum is intended to assist pre-service teachers with skills that will be developed through the use of conflict management strategies.
Online Module: How to use class meetings: classroom management and the peaceable classroom
Online learning module exploring various types of classroom meetings and how they can be used to build community and prevent problems as well as address problems after the fact. Includes links to video clips demonstrating classroom meetings with different age students.
Responsive classroom
Powerpoint presentation that introduces the seven principles of a responsive classroom.
R.O.P.E.S presentation outline
Word document outline for classroom management education, including writing a student bill of rights and classroom rules.
Relationship-driven classroom management
Word document examing classroom management in terms of the need to belong and the needs for power, fun and freedom adapted from John M. Vitto’s, “Relationship-Driven Classroom Management: Strategies that Promote Student Motivation.”
Examples of classroom meetings, middle school and high school
Word document examining different types of classroom meetings.
Classroom management philosophy & strategies
Word document listing classroom management lessons with information on where they can be located.
Suggestions for handling surface behavior
Pdf document that outlines the ways in which a teacher can direct or redirect student behavior, with suggestions for responses when confronted by a student, with material from Nicholas A. Seta and Allen N. Mendler.
Soft vs firm limits
Word document which discusses soft limits and firm limits, with examples and consequences.
School discipline vs conflict resolution
Pdf document comparing traditional school discipline and conflict resolution practices.
Cooperative discipline
Pdf document that presents a workshop to investigate the difference between punishment and discipline, consider the role of encouragement in the classroom and experience a classroom meeting.
Punishment versus discipline
Pdf document which defines punishment and discipline.
Electing classroom officers and organizing your classes
Word document that presents the idea of electing classroom officers to form positive relationships with students and to create classroom community, each position is defined and job duties detailed.