2nd International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education

Youth and Conflict: Global Challenges – Local Strategies
March 28th – March 31st, 2008, Cleveland Ohio, USA
- Conference Program
- Presenter Power points and Handouts
- Curriculum Integration Resources from Keynote Presenters
- International Country Profiles/Peace Education Context
- 2008 Summit Sponsors and Planning Committee
Sample Conflict Resolution Education Bibliographies
Event Overview
The root causes of conflict and the methods to prevent and intervene in conflict situations are interdisciplinary. So too is the need to address them collaboratively in both global and local communities. From child soldiers in Africa and the Americas to gangs in North America, collaboration is necessary to resolve these challenges with cultural and contextual sensitivity. Global Issues Resource Center and Library, Office of Community Continuing Education, at Cuyahoga Community College and the European Centre on Conflict Prevention (international secretariat for the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict) partnered with colleges and universities, local, national, and international non-governmental and governmental organizations to host a four-day International Summit on Conflict Resolution Education in Cleveland, Ohio, USA March 28th – March 31st, 2008. Participants included members of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict’s (GPPAC) Peace Education and Conflict Resolution Education Group representing the 15 world regions as designated by GPPAC. This Summit builds upon the Inter-American Summit on Conflict Resolution Education organized in March 2007 hosted by Global Issues Resource Center at Cuyahoga Community College in partnership with the Organization of American States and the United Nations Development Program.
The purpose of this second Summit was to help government, educators, and youth serving professionals create safer schools and communities; bringing together more than 100 presenters from 10 states and 19 countries. The 19 Countries represented included the Ukraine, Japan, Nigeria, the Philippines, Colombia, Armenia, Kenya, Serbia, Georgia, Australia, India, the Netherlands, Uganda, The Congo, Nepal, Ghana, Sudan, Mexico, and Thailand. Conference Planning Committee, Sponsors, and Partners include representatives from 43 international/U.S. nonprofit organizations, 7 governmental agencies, and 15 colleges/universities. Educators attending the event exchanged ‘best practices’ and evaluation methods, and discussed how best to implement education policy.
With more than 400 attendees from across the U.S. and 19 countries, this conference addressed a variety of violence-related topics including prevention and intervention strategies; gangs, bullying, classroom management, conflict management, dating violence, child soldiers, restorative justice, peace education, faith-based initiatives, the role of the media, etc.