
The National Plan for Human Rights Education – written in 2003, revised in 2006 and subscribed by the Special Secretariat for Human Rights, the Minister of Education and the Minister of Justice encourages conflict resolution education at the primary level and also prescribes this kind of education for professionals working in the areas of Justice and Security. However, conflict resolution training is couched in a broader package of Human Rights education and culture of peace curricula that seek to promote harmonious social relationships. In addition, the Special Secretariat for Human Rights has conducted a survey to determine the number and kinds of initiatives in conflict resolution that have been conducted throughout the country. The Secretariat identified over 200 projects of various types.

In Brazil, conflict resolution education is more advanced in non-formal education arenas that in educational setting. NGOs, private consultants and professional associations are the main providers of training for professionals and community mediators.

In scholastic setting such as schools, colleges and universities, effort to improve school environments have mostly centered on increasing youth participation in art, cultural and sports initiatives . However, new peer mediation programs are emerging throughout the country. UNESCO conducted a study of 14 public schools throughout Brazil that have implemented innovative programs to reduce levels of school violence. The study found that the presence of competencies in negotiation and a positive attitude toward change by administrators, teachers and students made an important differences in the level of school violence. The National Fund for Education Development has made a public call to support educational initiatives of this nature. The Higher Education Secretariat of the Ministry of Education has received and chosen extension projects to engage Law students in CR practices.

The Secretariat for Human Rights is sponsoring some small initiatives in conflict resolution education. For example, in the state of São Paulo, the NGO Pró-Mulher provides help to victims of domestic violence and is training these victims to help other families that face the same situation.