
Giving the youth in Schools, churches and communities an opportunity to play an important role in building a better society and World in which all of us can live in peace and not in pieces, is very important for any community and nation. This is being done by Youth for a New World in partnership with JRMD, by connecting them with other youth around the World, through internet and writing to each other. Helping them grow in character, through Compassion and Love in Action. Feel more joy, closer to each other despite where they are or come from; feel like each has made a contribution to the society and community. This helps them to know about their different cultures and perspectives of life in general due to their different regions and environments.

The schools involved in AAX in USA, they raised some funds which enabled us to give to each school in Burundi, involved in AAE, around $350. This amount of money helped the schools in Burundi to purchase some school materials, for the benefit of the students, involved in the project. Until this time, the schools involved in this project, in Burundi are located in Bujumbura City and in USA they are based in Washington State.