Youth & conflict: A toolkit for intervention
Youth & conflict: A toolkit for intervention
35-page PDF toolkit which is, “part of a series that explores how development assistance can address key risk factors associated with conflict. One area that is receiving increasing attention is the relationship between young people and violence … This document: 1) examines key issues related to youth participation in violence; 2) discusses lessons learned in developing programs for at-risk youth; 3) presents a range of program options; 4) includes illustrative monitoring and evaluation tools; and 5) identifies relevant USAID mechanisms and partners. Together, the elements of this toolkit are designed to help raise awareness about the linkages between young people, development aid, and conflict; and to help officers integrate a conflict perspective into their development programming.”
- Format: pdf
- Publisher: USAID (United States Agency International Development)
- Author: Jack Goldstone
- Resource Release Date: 01/01/2005
- Topics:
- Subjects:
- Direct Access: Click Here