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Below are the most recently added items to our extensive conflict resolution education full-text resources catalog. You can use the pagination at the bottom of the page to see more.

Researching campus conflict management culture(s): A role for ombuds?

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 1, (Oct 2002), whose “purpose in this article is to briefly explore a somewhat expanded role set for… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Mediation: An effective way to restore collegiality & shared governance in dysfunctional university

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Jetta Todaro, Cheryl Brattlie, Joseph H. Stafford
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 1, (Oct 2002), which discusses the use of mediation to settle disputes among university personnel and reestablish collegiality. View Full Record
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Confessions of a low-tech social scientist

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: James Schellenberg
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 1, (Oct 2002), which discusses the development of a web-based class in conflict resolution. View Full Record
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Leadership development: Conflict management for college student leaders

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Judy Rashid
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 1, (Oct 2002), which “examines the effectiveness of conflict management skills intervention training on the conflict management style… View Full Record
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Community justice in the campus setting

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: David Karp, Beau Breslin, Pat Oles
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 1, (Oct 2002), which examines the idea of community justice and how it can be used on college… View Full Record
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Similarities and differences between campus ombudsing and mediation

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Tim Griffin
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 3, Number 1, (Oct 2002), which “identifies and discusses some of the similarities and differences between mediation centers and ombuds… View Full Record
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Place to work things out, A

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Anne C. Paine
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 4, (July 2002), which presents the idea of personal narrative model of mediation and the work at Oberlin… View Full Record
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Grasping the nettle: Policy issues for university dispute resolution programs

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Julie Macfarlane
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 4, (July 2002), which discusses issues and challenges in conflict resolution education at the university level. View Full Record
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Extending campus conflict resolution efforts beyond the mediation table

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Bill Warters
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 3, (May 2002), which “describes creative responses to campus conflict that don’t rely on mediation as their central… View Full Record
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Slouching towards inclusion

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Carol Miller Lieber, Jamala Rogers
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 3, (May 2002), which discusses the need for diversity in the field of conflict resolution and examples of… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Culture of honesty earns a degree of respect, A: Facilitating academic honesty at the University of

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Deborah Craddock-Bell, Ann R. Crowther
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 3, (May 2002), discusses the University of Georgia’s mediation policies and procedures for resolving academic dishonesty disputes. View Full Record
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Intake hints

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Stephen Roy, Kay Pickering
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 2, (Feb 2002), which examines intake procedures and scheduling issues for community mediation, based on work done by… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

10 challenges facing campus mediation programs

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Nathan Makdad
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 2, (Feb 2002), which discusses the role and challenges among college mediation programs based on interviews with university… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

New directions and issues in the teaching of conflict resolution

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Roy Lewicki
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 2, (Feb 2002), which “explores the issues related to understanding the effectiveness of the process and content of… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here

Conflict coaching

  • Publisher: Conflict Management in Higher Education Report
  • Author: Ross Brinkert
  • Resource Release Date: 01/01/2002
  • Format: pdf
  • Description: Pdf article from Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Volume 2, Number 2, (Feb 2002), which introduces the idea of “Conflict coaching is a relatively innovative and distinctive form of… View Full Record
  • Direct Access: Click Here