Supporting ex-offenders: creating community with college social systems
Presented by: Heidi Arnold, Professor of Communication, Sinclair Community College
Presented at: 13th International Conference on CRE, Columbus, OH
Date of Session: April 6, 2019
Session Description: This discussion will present current statistics about incarcerated students and the invisible numbers of those ex-offenders attending college. We will examine ex-offenders as a marginalized group struggling to belong in a community while facing dim prospects for success due to a lack of housing, employment, and education. Our focus will be the factor of the lack of social support offered in our communities and colleges. This session should benefit faculty, staff, and administration in any educational institution working on attaining completion as well as anyone with an interest in working to hire, to connect or to provide resources for those needing an inclusive community. In addition, join us for a unique look at current and previous felons through a lens of art and narration. Ex-offenders will participate in the discussion.